Hoping for quiet and stillness at Mass so I can soak in the grace I desperately need for the next week. Every day we present the best quotes! Do all you can to preach the gospel and if necessary use words! Francis of Assisi's Prayers, p.72, Paper & Ink. Click here for more on Saint Frances of Rome! She gave birth to two sons and one daughter. From her mother she inherited a quiet manner and a pious devotion to God. Frances life combines aspects of secular and religious life. Her husband was a good man who cared about her very much. St. Frances of Rome is a Catholic Parish in the Diocese of San Bernardino, located in Wildomar, CA. The Lord places desires on my heart, but I need to trust that His timing is perfect in bringing those desires to fruition. of love in marriage as well as in religious life. To meet others, peacefully, joyously. They called themselves the Oblates of Mary. He raved at the saint, telling her she was bringing privation upon them to feed strangers. An equal soc, I suspect if you took a poll of Council Bluffs, yo, I dont know what else to say, except maybe.. GET, **Inequality is not a problem or an issue. Close to death, Frances had a vision of St. Alexis, a fourth-century monastic who became a beggar instead of marrying and lived a life of anonymity, even to his family. We see the world in a different light than the rest do, and sometimes, we're misunderstood because of it. We need only look and be surprised by the ways he reveals himself. Eventually they bought a house where the widowed members could live in community. Saint Frances of Rome, Italian Santa Francesca Romana, (born 1384, Rome [Italy]died March 9, 1440, Rome; canonized 1608; feast day March 9), founder of the Oblate Congregation of Tor de' Specchi (Oblates of St. Frances of Rome), a community that, with the Olivetan Benedictines, works for the sick and the poor. On the drive home, I remember being in tears, because I longed so much to be with Jesus at Mass. After years of begging he was so unrecognizable that when he returned home his own father thought he was just another beggar and made him sleep under the stairs. (Source), Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. On her feast day (March 9), lets ask her intercession for all those who feel trapped in their lives, particularly those who feel alone and need a Vannozza to spur them on to holiness. It was difficult for people to understand her objection. From an early age, Frances felt drawn to the religious life, but at the age of thirteen her parents forced her into marriage.. Whom do you have to fear? Its no surprise that most saints whose feast days fall during Lent every year are often overlooked. The amazing life story of the All Rights Reserved. Sisterhood is important. She decided at eleven that she knew what God wanted for her -- she was going to be a nun. Where there is injury, pardon; Finally Frances was so desperate for food to give to the poor she went to the now empty corn loft and sifted through the straw searching for a few leftover kernels of corn. This weekend marked the death of Giovanni de Bernardino in 1226, the wealthy heir to a silk merchant who would go on to dedicate his life to God. After her husband died, she went What do you have to fear? May our resources renew your spirit as we share God's love in the spirit of St. Francis. These incidents completely converted Lorenzo and her father-in-law. But Mabilia wanted none of it. The peasants from the wasted Ponziani farm came to St Frances, begging for food. Over the course of her life, though, she learned some valuable lessons that helped her not only be a good wife and mother, but also a holy, prayerful woman of God. But neither of us should tolerate degradation in any of it forms. in all the aspects of life. If we take our faith seriously, we will undoubtedly find ourselves longing to go to Mass or adoration, and to spend more time in prayer. Frances and Vannozza became the best of friends and made a plan to balance their devotions with their obligations to their families. The life of Frances of Rome calls each of us not only to look deeply for God in prayer, but also to carry our devotion to Jesus living in the suffering of our world. What made it worse was that Frances was thrown into a very social life. Then just to make sure she wouldn't have a chance to give away more, he sold off their extra corn, leaving just enough for the family, and all but one cask of one. Her husband called a man in who dabbled in magic, but Frances drove him away, saying, "Begone, thou servant of Satan, nor ever venture into these walls again!" and later recounted to Vannozza that St. Alexis had appeared to her and cured her. A married woman must, when called upon, quit her devotions to God at the altar to find Him in her household affairs. After she left Lorenzo came in and was stunned to find the previously empty granary filled with yellow corn. Cue the Ohh! chorus. She lived in solidarity with the poor though her home was a castle. In classic movie The Bells of St. Marys, Fr. Her parents were, of high rank. Later, Frances daughter died, and the saint opened a section of her house as a hospital. Her father-in-law, furious that she was giving away their supplies during a famine, took the keys of the granary and wine cellar away from her. She was born in Rome to a noble family in 1384 and died in Rome on March 9, 1440. Recent Articles. At the age of 52, she had the life she wanted at age 11. From that point on, St. Frances (reluctantly) accepted her vocation and lived it out as perfectly as she could until her husbands death. Sign up to get our top five trending stories delivered every weekday! against it. Most people donate because Catholic Online is useful. St. Frances of Rome is the Parish Church. On the Feast of St. Frances of Rome #BISblog //Click to tweet We can look for God in our housekeeping, or in whatever our daily work may be. Elected on 13 March 2013, Francis is the first member of the Society of Jesus to be appointed pope and the first non-European to hold the office since the 8th century. One friend can make all the difference. Not what you'd like to see, oreven what you need to see, but simply what's there. ~Famous quote of Saint Frances. Frances died four years later. And, okay, full disclosure, Im a Benedictine Oblate so her feast day is a pretty big deal to us Oblates and those in the Benedictine family. "And St. Francis said: 'My dear son, be patient, because the weaknesses of the body are given to us in this world by God for the salvation of the soul. Does It Matter Where Your Clothes Come From? Civil war came to Rome -- this was a time of popes and antipopes and Rome became a battleground. When all the resources had been exhausted, Frances and Vannozza went door to door begging. 2023 RELEVANT Media Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Her desire as a young girl was to enter religion but, at her father's wish, she married at age twelve and had three children. She is patroness to many causes, including drivers (because her guardian angel used to light her way on night-time visits to the poor and sick . She is co-patroness of all Benedictine Oblates along with St. Henry. God has given me so much in your love." As long as Troja had Battista he knew the Ponzianis would stop fighting. After saying a prayer, she led them to cellar, turned the spigot on the empty cask, and out flowed the most wonderful wine. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. Frances of Rome was disconsolate when her marriage was arranged, but it was through that very marriage that she became a saint. Probably the hardest work of healing Frances had to do in her life was to restore Lorenzo back to his old self. Her consolation would be that God would grant her the grace of having an archangel as her guardian angel for the remainder of her life. She complained to her confessor, who responded, Are you crying because you want to do God's will, or because you want God to do your will?. (Source), Keep a clear eye toward lifes end. "The world is what it is." "Yeah, I know." "Not only do you know, you've helped me to know." "Good to be useful," I said. Much though she wanted to be a nun, Gods will was clear in the will of her father. Author: Scott Westerfeld. Grant that I may not so much seek In the dishes, in the checking of our inboxes, in the conference calls, in the laundry, in the meetings, in the diaper changeshe is there. Look at Frances' sister-in-law Vannozza --happily going through the rounds of parties, dressing up, playing cards. You get one life. I also know that you have given me work to do in this world. Married Saint: St. Frances of Rome. Defenders of Christendom Battles - Honor - Miracles! Unfortunately, in this fallen world of ours, sometimes it isnt possible and sometimes God is calling us to encounter him in a less traditional way. It struck Rome with devastating cruelty and left Frances second son dead. Finally, she whispered, "God's will is mine." Although it wasnt her first choice, her marriage and motherhood became a source of growth in holiness for her, and as the above quote conveys she discovered that God works in all vocations. My, Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Placide Viel, Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Cele-Christ, Saint of the Day Quote: Saint Chad of Mercia, Matthew Archbold of Natl Catholic Register, Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICRSS), Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus, Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, The Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius (SJC), Latino Partnership for Cnsrvtv Principles, Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney, The Republican National Hispanic Assembly. Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. St. What is it that stands higher than action? The marriage was a happy one, lasting forty years. Slowly she turned around and made her way to Capitol Hill where Count Troja was waiting. Prompted by this, she started the blog My Domestic Monastery (www.mydomesticmonastery.com), where she shares inspiration for families wanting to grow in holiness. Melissa Guerrero is a freelance writer. A plague followed in the wake of the war, and Frances' second son and a daughter died of the disease. With Lorenzo's support and respect, Frances started a lay order of women attached to the Benedictines called the Oblates of Mary. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. I wanted to be sure of one thing, though could this vocation truly lead me to holiness? The Ponziani palace was in the Trastevere section of Rome, and just around the corner was the little church of San Francesco a Ripa. So the two, Frances and Vannozza, set out togetherwith their husbands blessingsto help the poor. If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. The world is a great stage on which God displays his many wonders. Unfortunately for her, her father was entirely unconcerned about her desireshe insisted that she marry. After her husband's death, Frances moved in with the Oblates of Mary and became the superior. Her husband called a man in who dabbled in magic, but St Frances drove him out of the house in no uncertain terms. Yet with all this, its for her simple devotion as wife and mother that she is remembered. When she saw God at heavens gate, he asked her, Why wouldnt you help me on your way to Mass? Although daily Mass seemed like the obvious good, God was calling her to encounter him in a particular way that day, but she refused to be open to that encounter. Copyright 2023 Catholic Exchange. If you want to learn more about her, just look her up on your favorite Catholic websites that feature saint biographies, such as New Advent. She received her BA and MA in theology from the University of Notre Dame (09 and 11). When she complained to her spiritual director that she did not want to get married, he famously replied, Are you crying because you want to do Gods will or because you want God to do your will? Ouch. Saint Frances of Rome In a time when fathers ruled absolutely in their homes, Frances path had been decided, but she didnt have to like it. 98% of our readers don't give; they simply look the other way. 25 Years of Thursdays: The Legacy of Angela Baird, Second Sunday in Lent: The Transfiguration, St. Katharine Drexel: First Family of Charity. As a young girl, she desperately longed for religious life. But there have been many times that it simply hasnt been possible. St. Frances of Rome always saw him standing before her, his arms clasped at his breast, his eyes uplifted to Heaven; but at the slightest failing, he would cover his face as if in shame, and at times, turn his back to her. She was still expected to entertain and go visiting with her mother-in-law. After her husbands death, Frances moved in with the Oblates of Mary and became the superior. Want to see fewer ads on Aleteia? Raise your hand if youve ever felt like God was calling you Frances began a lay order of women who attached to the Benedictine. Married life was not easy for her, especially at the tender He told her that God was offering her a choice as to whether or not she would recover. All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle. Just so we don't fall into any bad habits." She desired to enter the convent, but in obedience to her parents was instead married at age twelve to a young nobleman named Lorenzo de' Ponziani. Return to Franciscan Calendar Page Return to Incorruptible Saints Page Return to Saints Page Return to Roman Catholic Saints Homepage. But a household as large as the Ponziani's needed someone to run it. They simply offered themselves to God and to the service of the poor. They decided their obligations to their family came first. They decided that their vocations came first. Donations to Catholic Vitality Publications, Copyright 2011 Roman-Catholic-Saints.com. (and some new ones have been added since then!). Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Looking at the exemplary life of fidelity to God and devotion to her fellow human beings which Frances of Rome was blessed to lead, one cannot help but be reminded of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who loved Jesus Christ in prayer and also in the poor. Instead, her parents arranged a marriage for her. Each being (human or creature) has the same right of protection. I stumbled upon the above quote from St. Frances of Rome a few years ago, when I was curious about the Saint whose feast day shares my birthday. Then her nightmare began. Always serving their families before all else, they began attending Mass together, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and even praying in a secret chapel they fashioned in an abandoned tower of their estate. Note: In July 2022, the former Parishes of St. Frances of Rome and St. Mary of Celle (1428 Wesley Ave., Berwyn) united to form the Parish of St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds with two worship sites. Advertise on Catholic Exchange another wealthy family. During a famine she gave away corn to the poor so lavishly that her husband began to object. Last words of her dying husband Lorenzo to Saint Frances. (Source: The Counsels of the Holy Father St. Francis), A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows. (But don't force your opinions on others or get discouraged by lack of interest. One site is in Lake Elsinore, which is the original church. From her father, however, she inherited a strong will. In the life of Saint Frances of Rome, Lord God, you gave us an outstanding example of the married state and the religious life. To wait for the unfolding of Thy will, patiently, serenely. Her future husband Lorenzo Ponziani was noble, wealthy, a good person and he really cared for her. She was expected to attend and host numerous parties while her heart longed for quiet time with God. Alexander Bickel, But it won't be much of a battle, will it?" She couldnt eat, speak, or even It was found empty when her annoyed father-in-law sought a glass of wine for himself. To face tomorrow, confidently, courageously. The trick of the devil is to convince us that our circumstances make holiness impossible. The women lived in the world but offered themselves to God and to the service of the poor. Where there is Peace and Contemplation, there is neither Care nor Restlessness. The basics: Born . He told Frances she was far too young to know her mind -- but not too young to be married. Featured image: Wikimedia commons. (Source), No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one does you harm. She started wearing a dress of coarse green cloth. Then look around you. in Biblical Theology from John Paul the Great Catholic University. In her own way, Frances must have felt unrecognized by her family -- they couldn't see how she wanted to give up everything for Jesus. The names of married saints were few and far between (and some new ones have been added since then!) She begged God to prevent the marriage from happening. All rights reserved. Today, we humbly ask you to defend Catholic Online's independence. She always worked with the poor in Rome. He told the story of an elderly woman who went to daily Mass faithfully, and who, one day, passed someone in desperate need. More than anything in the world, she wanted to be a nun, and she told her father just that. In 1425, St Frances of Rome and a half dozen other Roman ladies, her companions, were clothed as oblates of St Benedict. She was as opposite of Frances and Frances had been of her mother-in- law. Her mother-in-law still expected her to entertain and go on visits with her. Historical Marker #2385 in Louisville commemorates St. Frances of Rome Catholic Church, named for Francesca Romana who inspired women to pray, care for the sick, and feed the hungry. I continue to struggle with balancing prayer and the duties required of me as a wife and mom. Getting Back to Lenten Basics with Bishop Robert Barron. From an early age, she had a strong love for God. One year after his death Evangelista came to her in a vision and told her that Agnes was going to die too. However, in 1925, Pope Pius XI assigned her the patronage because it was said that an angel used to light the road before her with a lantern when she traveled so she would avoid harm. She was faithful to her duties but still managed multiple works of mercy, too. The Lord also gives me important work to do. Frances recovered, but her struggle did not disappear. "A married woman must, when called upon, quit her devotions to God at the altar to find him in her household affairs." Saint Frances of Rome. The very strong-willed St. Frances of Rome dreamed of devoting herself to the Lord as a nun from the time she was 11 years old. That must be the definition of 'human being': Misunderstood. Liturgical Color: White (Purple if Lenten Weekday) A married woman must, when called upon, leave her devotions to God at the altar to find him in her household affairs. Printable Catholic Saints PDFs God just had other plans for her in between. "You should understand by now," the angel told her, "that the God who made your body and gave it to your soul as a servant never intended that the spirit should ruin the flesh and return it to him despoiled.". After a vision, Bernardino (later St. Francis) gave away his fortune, committing his life to serving God and the poor. She immediately sold her jewels and clothes and distributed money to needy. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. And St. Frances of Rome can show us how. March 09, 2020 Her family is, It's always the other guy's fault. Where there is hatred, let me sow love, They overruled her desire to become a nun, and at twelve years of age married her to Rorenzo Ponziano, a Roman noble. Rectory: 1428 S 59th Ct., Cicero. Silence. We might expect that the grief of losing her mother-in-law soon after might have been mixed with relief -- no more pressure to live in society. With this new commitment, and a sister in Christ by her side, Frances turned more of her attention toward the needs of her own household. Today that would describe the Red S, Incredible post Guy. Frances died in 1440 at the age of 56. She wanted to devote her life to Jesus Christ. But in the midst of one of her tempers she was afflicted with a strange illness; and after Frances' hand calmed and cured her she became a changed person. Together they spent hours of prayer in a disused attic or an old summer cottage in the garden. They renewed their commitment to their husbands and families and worked with joy. This was especially difficult when I was a new mom with young children. Author and Publisher - Catholic Online Thank you. They became close friends and worked out a program of devout practices and services to work together. In the early days of my motherhood, I encountered the quote famously attributed to St. Frances, It is most laudable in a married woman to be devout, but she must never forget that she is a housewife. Click the link below! | Contact Us The very strong-willed St. Frances of Rome *, I doubt she was singing in 1987 (Afghanistan) or i, "Free States." During study breaks, I would pour over the library shelves, trying to find a book on married saints. Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received - only what you have given: a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage. Life, that's a different ball game. Do few things but do them well, simple joys are holy. Many of us feel that our lives have gone irreparably wrong. St. Frances of Rome Pray Always Catholic Quotes Catholic Saints Married Woman Quites Rome Anniversary Faith Loyalty More information . ""Yeah, I know. They devoted themselves to God and served the poor. She gave in to the marriage -- reluctantly. Twitter Facebook-f Instagram Pinterest. To be understood as to understand, Today the Church honors St. Frances of Rome, an Italian married woman who lived an exemplary life as a wife and mother during difficult times of plague and war. Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance. Most memorably, I remember a time when I was at Mass with my daughters, not long after my second was born. Articles like these are sponsored free for every Catholic through the support of generous readers just like you. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone. He listened patiently to the 13-year-olds lamentations until she had finished, then remarked calmly, Are you crying because you want to do Gods will or because you want God to do your will?.