Its a very sad state of affairs I may be right or we could both be completely wrong only time will tell. Hi Geekgal, And dont forget, so also those Money Changers in the Temple that YAHUSHA whipped and drew out they are the bankers of today. Anyone who knows basic math can tell you that there is no way there was a quantity of gold that equaled 60 metres high, by 120 metres wide Who knows, maybe Im wrong but I dont believe it. The gold he collected per year was 666 Talents. But dig deeper. Another theory is that the Annunaki aliens created humans to mine gold. I do not know what Dane thinks about chemtrails not being dangerous anymore. Even what I have learned so far has sent me for a six. One Talent (approx) in todays value is $1,176,050 so if this amount is multiplied by 666 Talents its close to 800M per year x by 40 years thats a mega hoard + he had gold and diamond & other precious metal mines in Africa, the Philipines, India and other countries. I want to see the video thats supposed to be on this page but there is NO link to a video anywhere except the next and prior ones. So, in My humble opinin, doesnt matter if theres no evidences of what You posted, the Holy Scriptures described their luxurious Life and for me is enough. A tunnel ran under the grounds of the Frescati House where the family of the Trinity College provost lived in 1739. Hi jb, The actual name of the Vatican archives is Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum . In 1494, under Charles VIII, France invaded Italy during the Italian War of 1494-1498. There are many, many courses that are promoted online which are fully recognised. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. I want to direct you to my latest post to help you comprehend Gods love and the part we need to play. Some of the comments on here just seem absurd, but Id like to read, They were referring to Dane Wigington here is one of his sites: I was created in the image of God, as we all were. How is he making a nice buck? We will be well off. If you HV the keys it decodes the parables. Tunnel networks. Its the energy someone receives from another. There are other places that they foun. I have added it into the post. Thats the message of the poem I sent to you and the readers. Your Evidence? Hi Jeanne, These underground tunnels even helped local Templars evade a Moorish siege in 1190. From all the information Ive been given, there is more than enough gold in the world to easily back up all the worlds individual currencies. Mothers were told their babies died and were buried in mass graves. Bitchute description of the video:"Generations of kids are being rescued from D.U.M.B.s (Underground Tunnels) found under the White House and Capitol Building. Its been an exciting journey. The good news is that you can easily visit the first underground level under St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican Grottoes. . Using Ordinary People For Extraordinary Events, Italy scrambles to contain second wave as daily COVID-19, Italys daily COVID-19 cases hit new high. As this realm is the one of the only ones where time becomes a factor. Quantum Financial System. Did the Cabal get to him too ? It is kinda funny, but for why is heartbreaking. 15The merchants who sold these things, who became rich from her, will stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and will weep and mourn, 16saying: Too bad, too bad, the great city, clothed with fine linen, purple, and scarlet and richly adorned with gold ornaments, precious stones, and pearls because in one hour such great riches have been devastated! No banking differences, no Government change. It looks like we are walking along the same path. Dont worry, there will be more than sufficient to go around! We just need to buckle up our seat belts. They sent me brochures for free to give to people. When Charles VIII's troops descended on Vatican City, Pope Alexander VI passed through the Passetto to avoid danger. how to update splunk license; kssa council of superintendents; boone county wv jail arrests; where are giani bernini purses made I just came across your website. Perhaps the most disappointing theory, and possibly, by far the most likely, is the idea that the Vatican's Secret Archive holds no earth-shattering secrets at all. Best regards, Mr. T. Hi Mr T I agree we are looking fair and square into Bible Revelations as we speak! 1 Nothing. Anche nel mare Adriatico tra Italia e Croazia Does this give a full picture of what the New World Order have been working at over a very long time? Thanks slot Maam,am so thrilled and blessed to know all these informations as a friend of mine link me to you. Translation: It is confusing and not easy to believe, although I am not interested in the gold, that you can not eat either, because I think if someone is hungry he needs a piece of bread and a sip of clean water that should be there for everyone in the world. The Underground Tunnel with Angled Entry Panels is great for children to adventure through. I think its more that you are awake and aware and joining the dots together! I had doubts of Charlie as well. Hi JayR! In Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, chasms formed in the ground as a result of small earthquakes always at a depth of 10 km. Thank you Jorge! did you hear if they recovered them ? Copyright 2023 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. Be encouraged! The amount found under the Vatican is so huge that it blows the mind. I do not think we will get all of the money promised at once or it would shut down the economy but we will not be scrimping from one day to the next anymore. Some banks will take your money in your bank account due to their false legal permission to do so, given them by courts and legislatures. Is the Vatican underground? MURDER, MURDER, MURDER for centuries is the Jesuits in the name of their POWER & CONTROL, Not Jesus Kingdom. Where are they? I definitely dont think its too strange to think as you are. Starting from Vatican City, for the first 150 miles, (241 kms) there was found a A BBC documentary exposed a fifty-year scandal of child trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain. The Word speaks of it over and over. Hi Jim, watch all 35 episodes of the Fall of the Cabal on Rubble and Bitchute, or on their website. What remains of. If this is so, as Nesara/Gesara is rolled out and the Quantum Education System begins, Im quite sure these books will become available to everyone. This Dr. title in front of his name isnt how its done. How wonderful it is to receive news from someone who has actually been there! Can you provide a link? Marilyn Williams The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. SO all you people who are sceptic, have no faith, faith in Jesus and HIS Father! They scanned the fortress footprint and recreated the Templar HQ with impressive 3D models. Everyone has been through the same. Will we ever know? I have shared it on FB just as it is. Thier ending! You should pray andlook within yourself cause all answers lie there and this yndersyanding helps you in a sense graduate to the next.. its almost here. Charlie Ward is being attacked by people that I used to follow but clearly, they have been waiting in the wind to drop bull crap about good people. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. I am a follower of Jesus, as well. On Sun. I too want to wake up from this nightmare like it never did happen ! tunnels and underground excavations, horizontal underground passageway produced by excavation or occasionally by nature's action in dissolving a soluble rock, such as limestone. You are bat shit crazy not to even consider this a possibility. I do believe this year will be a real eye-opener one way and another so keep your ear to the ground and your faith in/on the Lord! These people thrive on low vibrational energy. Over how many thousands of years has it continued to be stock-piled? Sure there is enough gold to back all the currencies, just raise the price of gold. This is where the Papal Tombs are located and where you can see the publicly accessible version of St. Peter's Tomb, located under the altar and above the original tomb. I also heard from She Knows on You Tube that Chemtrails would or are being stopped. Is anyone supposed to be stupid enough to believe these imaginary stories? One night 9 p.m. to 6 or 7 a.m. there were reported explosions, like earthquakes, every 2 or 3 seconds at Ayers. Its almost over, keep vibrations up, watch your emails every day as its time for the banks to send an email giving you an 800# to call for info where to go and get your new debit card, the QFS has gone through. If they are, keep quiet and let them do their job. In American, over 800,000 children per year go missing. I didnt ask for it, but felt very strongly that I need to help get this kind of information out using my words, and my style. Thank you for mentioning the names of all these books Im sure they would help to create a full picture with all thats going on. Over the years our Catholic Bibles have been sold with fewer sections. Many draw attention to the order's early occupation of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and what relics the Templars may have found there. Wont it be wonderful when our troubled world is flooded with light. Youve seen more than most of us together youre hardened in ways that would turn us to jelly I appreciate that but you also know the way things are carried out. The important thing is that we live each day for the Lord and pray always to remain in His will. Low vibrational energy is given to strife, depression, war, anger, etc. I want the children to be cared for and rehabbed. Well she said so. Only 20% are awake at present. Please give us the strength to do thy will and may we live in peace. Much appreciated. By the time I hit the groundi had Hashimotos disease. Ready to clean earth up. They say some stupid things really. id like to mention that i am a navy brat i waas born on a navy base , i grew up in military housing , i can still remember living in virginia in military housing , there was a whole group of us kids that were constantly sneaking down into the tunnels . This became a place to get inspiration from the ancestors as the masters were buried here. People need to do some research on DR Charlie Ward. Its a poison substance that has never been approved. We are in good hands. I have seen some of the overwhelming evidence and it makes me sick that people are so quick to condemn. There are too many people relating their different stories, whether in the government or in the truth community. Nesara/ Gesara, Please go to Duck Duck Go or You Tube and put these words in individually. Thr picture was coded with a upcoming that led to a Google image tat said do not take it. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. Fantastic Research many thanks regards Tony Tyrrell, Quando i dumbs che sono sotto il mare vengono fatti saltare si riempiono di acqua. Thank you for being awake to the truth . There are 777 books found beneath the Vatican. Thank you again! President Trump has not been got to by the Ca/bal not in the slightest. He told BBC Reel: We can say that when it comes to symbolic meaning, we are in the important place for the Templars in Portugal. There is every chance that Rakovski had a link to the main Vat-Jer tunnel and what you heard was more than possibly it being destroyed, which is wonderful, dont you think? 6 Sept. a huge tunnel in the Philippines was destroyed - accompanied by an earthquake. What you and u are doing is a calling/ministry. It helps us learn consequence of action as new souls need to understand before making their ascension. Im so glad we are on the other side and cant wait for the reveal. When I do see a chemtrail in the sky, which is not often these days, I tell myself they are spraying hydroxychloroquine to heal the skies. I believe it is nearing. I fear Nesara is not real, as much as Id like for it to be. President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Perry, Georgia, on Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 7:00PM EDT. Remember we stand together, you are not alone. Hi Marilyn, God has directed my path to TRUTH and steered me away from false teachings/teachers. Doch sollte man es nicht schon wieder berbewerten, man muss die Lebensmittelspekulation von den Brsen entfernen und dann wird der Hunger auf der Welt zu beseitigen mglich sein. It may be easier for you to find the right one from this link This article is utterly ludicrous! Ideal if you are looking to create a tunnel that is buried in a dirt mound or under soil. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The underground base and city at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles is exposed by whistleblower Steven D. Kelley. As well as the tunnels, the team of archaeologists discovered the remnants. As in Blow the Trumpet in Zion, Sound the alarm in My Holy mountain. He had 28 or more attempts on his Life and I am leaning towards divine intervention, like Trump is the Modern day Moses, but now I am disappointed and confused ! Its a worry! Thank you for alerting us to those prophecies. I have been reading your replies to comments made in this thread. Has Donald Trump been chosen, I certainly voted for him? By the way, Great comments by Dennis Richardson! The passageway was built by a later ownerEmily FitzGerald, Duchess of Leinsterto bring seawater to the estate. We must not mistake it for truth. A labyrinthine system of tunnels is also rumoured to connect the hilltop castle with the church, roughly 1.5km away. I heard 13 stacks was 6m x 4m wide on pallets with detailed logs of where it was taken from. The location outlet to the pier is at Terminal # 5, near 5th Avenue. Anything you see is a clone or CGI. Cant wait to see the ending. People do grow up and mature. So various, so beautiful, so new, Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Secondly, he is quite a shady character. During this period they found the underground tunnels, the gold and the scrolls/books etc. Keep your eyes on the White House. Thank you for sharing your misgivings etc, because there will be many who will relate to it. Its mine I left it there, just forgot where I put it. Its because the White Hats need the previous narrative to continue running while the rest of the plot works out. Anyone teaching on Rev. Also, please remember he has to be very clever in what he says. Clearly, we do not see what is happening behind the scenes but it will be televised for 10 days, all will be seen except no photos of the hundreds of thousands of children rescued and those not alive. London's deepest tunnel will also be its least-seen. New video shows smoke billowing from beneath the White House after massive explosions were heard emanating throughout Washington, D.C. Over 200,000 children were rescued, 1000s of bodies were recovered and mass arrests were made during the military operation. Ive been going down this rabbit hole for over a year now . He has made this quite clear in many of his videos. Humans have stripped gold from the dead for nearly 2000 years to fill the tunnel. Thats amazing in itself isnt it? One was a housing complex, later transformed into a luxury domus. 14Yes, the fine fruit that you desired has left you, and all the delicacies and the splendid things have vanished from you, never to be found again. Thank you Jean for your great words! The labyrinth of subterranean passageways, rooms and cages from which gladiators and . Been studying them for 4yrs now. Yes, we all need to be vigilant and keep our eyes firmly on God above and the White Hats its all coming together. Im sorry, but I have to disagree with you! Good life. Frightened? August/Sept/Oct have all been slated as HUGE months and from everything we are seeing, that is truly the case. Along with this massive amount of gold were found many books or manuscripts. Stone Age tunnels have been found that stretch thousands of miles all the way from Scotland to Turkey. Its like when a good spirited person enters the room the others tend to become happy as welk.. I had read that their underground library is 15 miles long and there are stacks and stacks of books in there. Id like to think its true our world needs it. Thank you so much talk soon Marilyn, Marilyn, I found Charlie Wards videos on and they are in date order. To show the people what it would have been like under their globalist regime. DUMBS well if real, there is only talk about them. Thanks for your response. Hmmm. Hi Mitko! This three-tiered complex consists of an 11 th century Basilica that was built on top of the pre-existing 4 th century "domus ecclesiae" (a secretive meeting room . The date is always changed to current. Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, No, not one of them. Chick publications website. Oh I understand exactly where you are coming from. Hi Barbara! I also give a lot of people information. It was ready for 2000, but no president ever wanted to enforce. prior to the current day we are living in didnt really have the comprehension of what is being revealed to us all now. In the city of Tomar stands the Church of Santa Maria do Olival, built in the second half of the 12th century by the provincial master of the Order of the Knights Templar in Portugal, Gualdim Pais. All that Templars & Jesuits have been about has been to create world government in opposition to Jesus Christ real justice of HIS Kingdom. It was the Vaticans decision what to include. Hi Dennis! The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. Underground . The Vatican Necropolis, known as the "scavi," requires special reservations, but it is worth making the extra effort, said Wauck, who praised the tombs for their beautifully preserved frescoes, sarcophagi and ancient Christian inscriptions. One conspiracy theory " going viral " is that extensive operations are taking place to rescue children held in secret underground locales beneath densely populated cities. Hi Patty! Loving money, and ever being greedy for more money, which brings with it power, which ultimately leads to total control of others. Vatican authorities denied permission to . That was the first question posed to him. What an amazing time for all. 18:9-17 Turns out they were people from the other side who were doing their darndest to bring him down because of the information he shares. There are probably nefarious things going on. President Donald Trump rally live in Perry GA - 9/25/21. The Passetto runs a total of 2600 feet along the Old Vatican wall and links the Vatican Palace to the Castel Sant'Angelo. Ahh Denbo! Nothing is as it seems but it all has to be. If you have not seen this. They use MoR technology [Mind over Rock]. Truth is a hard nut to crack but that is life. Yes, Im aware of this these days Im always searching thank you. Its a very long-running, and one of the most successful entertainment stories of the last 800 years. Try not to look to the left or the right keep focused. Yes Jeanne he has been asked to work on that side of things. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. Hello Jorge! etc. The tax payers will NOT bail them out. I am living in Bulgaria in a town named Plovdiv, and it looks like it is on the route of that tunnel. Thank you. They can regrow limbs. It does sound very suspicious about their being a (Du/mb) under Rakovski, doesnt it. Hes never said a single thing that wasnt already reported but he acts like like he already knew everything.