In Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang Di uses Legalist, harsh values to govern the . His Kulturkampf, or "struggle for civilization," was an attack on the power of the Catholic Church in Germany. Ap euro 21 - lecture notes; Ap euro 23 - lecture notes; Ap euro 24 - lecture notes; Ap euro 25 - lecture notes; Ap euro 26 - lecture notes . Their "radicalness" depended upon where they stood on the spectrum of male suffrage: the wider the definition of suffrage, the more radical. The German unification was also brought together by the Franco-Prussian war. Napoleon abolishes the HRE in 1806 German Unification: First Steps Napoleon consolidated the area into 30 states, declared the German Confederation by the Congress of Vienna. Those in authority were concerned about the growing unrest, political and social agitation among the working classes, and the disaffection of the intelligentsia. There are no class differences before the law. Chapter 19 AP Euro DRAFT. Britain's sphere was the rest of the world, especially the seas. The Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I - 11 The overture to Das Rheingold sets the stage for the audience. "German History before Hitler: The Debate about the German Sonderweg. acted as unofficial portfolio ministers. The German unification was also brought together by the Franco-Prussian war. italian unification ap european history crash course albert . Rural farmer. [85], The Peace of Prague offered lenient terms to Austria but its relationship with the new nation-state of Italy underwent major restructuring. They captured Napoleon III and took an entire army as prisoners at Sedan on 1 September 1870. Through the organization of imperial circles (Reichskreise), groups of states consolidated resources and promoted regional and organizational interests, including economic cooperation and military protection. Western Civilization, since 1300. [74], The second episode in Bismarck's unification efforts occurred in 1866. Even after the end of the Holy Roman Empire, this competition influenced the growth and development of nationalist movements in the 19th century. Members of the Upper House of the parliament, the Bundesrat, were appointed by the princes of the individual German states and were therefore beholden to the monarchs. AP Euro: Unification Flashcards | Quizlet [80], A quick peace was essential to keep Russia from entering the conflict on Austria's side. As a result, Germany after unification was forced to modify and adapt its political situation to accommodate dissenting political opinions and national and religious minorities. Economically, the creation of the Prussian Zollverein (customs union) in 1818, and its subsequent expansion to include other states of the German Confederation, reduced competition between and within states. [97] "In the days after Sedan, Prussian envoys met with the French and demanded a large cash indemnity as well as the cession of Alsace and Lorraine. My three part lecture on German Unification covers the complete unification process, starting with the failure of liberal nationalism after the Revolutions of 1848 and then focusing on Otto von Bismarck's domestic and foreign policies that put Prussia at the helm of a unified German state through the shrewd application of realpolitik . The militaries of the larger states (such as the Kingdoms of Bavaria and Saxony) retained some autonomy, but they underwent major reforms to coordinate with Prussian military principles and came under federal government control in wartime. No German state may treat Germans who are not its citizens as foreigners. Through a combination of Bismarck's diplomacy and political leadership, von Roon's military reorganization, and von Moltke's military strategy, Prussia demonstrated that none of the European signatories of the 1815 peace treaty could guarantee Austria's sphere of influence in Central Europe, thus achieving Prussian hegemony in Germany and ending the dualism debate.[73]. Eric Ryan Distinguished Scholar at Southern Methodist University studying Finance, Business Journalism, and Data Science The negotiators at Vienna took no account of Prussia's growing strength within and declined to create a second coalition of the German states under Prussia's influence, and so failed to foresee that Prussia would rise to challenge Austria for leadership of the German peoples. At a meeting in Biarritz in September 1865 with Napoleon III, Bismarck had let it be understood (or Napoleon had thought he understood) that France might annex parts of Belgium and Luxembourg in exchange for its neutrality in the war. [42] Such other patriotic songs as "Die Wacht am Rhein" ("The Watch on the Rhine") by Max Schneckenburger began to focus attention on geographic space, not limiting "Germanness" to a common language. A comparison of the two types of theaters can be demonstrated by showing the traditional floor plan of the Vienna opera house and contrasting it with Wagner's Festspielhaus. Yet, as Germans discovered, grand speeches, flags, and enthusiastic crowds, a constitution, a political reorganization, and the provision of an imperial superstructure; and the revised Customs Union of 186768, still did not make a nation. Ukrainian Forces Hold On In Bakhmut, Kyiv Says, Despite Russian Claims The full text of Wagner's essay is available online. This newer scholarship has demonstrated the importance of the merchant classes of the Hanseatic cities and the industrial leadership (the latter particularly important in the Rhineland) in the ongoing development of the Second Empire. AP EUROPEAN HISTORY SUMMER, 2017 ASSIGNMENTS Welcome to AP European History. Mark Nicholas Jones - Co-Founder and CEO/CTO - LinkedIn The German Unification: Timeline & Summary | StudySmarter [4], A common language may have been seen to serve as the basis of a nation, but as contemporary historians of 19th-century Germany noted, it took more than linguistic similarity to unify these several hundred polities. The prince withdrew as a candidate, thus defusing the crisis, but the French ambassador to Berlin would not let the issue lie. "[65] Bismarck's words, "iron and blood" (or "blood and iron", as often attributed), have often been misappropriated as evidence of a German lust for blood and power. German_Unification_DBQ_from_AP_Classroom.docx - EUROPEAN The Prussian landed elites, the Junkers, retained a substantial share of political power in the unified state. Richard Wagner (181383) is one of the most controversial composers of the nineteenth century. Convinced that opera and music developed a spirit of nationalism, Wagner rejected the traditional design of theaters in which the nobility and wealthy sat in the loge boxes facing each other rather than the stage. [16], The surge of German nationalism, stimulated by the experience of Germans in the Napoleonic period and initially allied with liberalism, shifted political, social, and cultural relationships within the German states. Mann, Chapter 6, pp. The Hambach rhetoric emphasized the overall peaceable nature of German nationalism: the point was not to build barricades, a very "French" form of nationalism, but to build emotional bridges between groups. Which individual is associated with the phrase blood and iron as related to the unification of Germany? Politically, the conservative order tried to limit the influence of liberal politics by making minor concessions to liberals. Edit. Groups can be overlapped, e.g., Catholics can also be Polish, German, or French, etc. [121] According to this story, Prussia played the dominant role in bringing the German states together as a nation-state; only Prussia could protect German liberties from being crushed by French or Russian influence. General history of Africa, abridged edition, v. 1: Methodology and In 1866, most mid-sized German states had opposed Prussia, but by 1870 these states had been coerced and coaxed into mutually protective alliances with Prussia. The Peace of Prague sealed the dissolution of the German Confederation. Further complexity can be created by identifying some as Wagnerian-style romantic nationalists and others as Bismarck-like realpolitik nationalists. Second, through diplomatic maneuvering, a skilful leader could create an environment in which a rival state would declare war first, thus forcing states allied with the "victim" of external aggression to come to the leader's aid. In concert with the newly formed Italy, Bismarck created a diplomatic environment in which Austria declared war on Prussia. AP Euro Italian Unification YouTube Video Otto von Bismarck (April 1, 1815 - July 30, 1898) Otto von Bismarck was a Prussian statesman who set the stage for the creation of the German Empire in 1871 and served as its chancellor for 19 years. There was also uncertainty as to who would best lead and defend "Germany", however it was defined. Water transportation also improved. As the rail network expanded, it became cheaper to transport goods: in 1840, 18 Pfennigs per ton per kilometer and in 1870, five Pfennigs. High-performance computing with distributed processing units to build a platform based cloud solution for quantum chemistry calculations and upper layer use-case applications. The German Confederation saw this act as a violation of the London Protocol of 1852, which emphasized the status of the Kingdom of Denmark as distinct from the three independent duchies. Eastern Junker power had a counterweight in the western provinces in the form of the Grand Bourgeoisie and in the growing professional class of bureaucrats, teachers, professors, doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. [84] Austria's influence over the German states may have been broken, but the war also splintered the spirit of pan-German unity, as many German states resented Prussian power politics. The model of diplomatic spheres of influence resulting from the Congress of Vienna in 181415 after the Napoleonic Wars endorsed Austrian dominance in Central Europe through Habsburg leadership of the German Confederation, designed to replace the Holy Roman Empire. However, by the 19th century, transportation and communications improvements started to bring these regions closer together. Italian unification dbq ap european history exam 2010 Free Essays The Age of Metternich is a turning point which sparks governmental . This digital interactive notebook for World History & AP Euro . Divide students into the following groups and debate the "Polish Question." [9] This interpretation became a key building block of the Borussian myth expounded by the pro-Prussian nationalist historians later in the 19th century. This was only temporary, however, and the Franco-Prussian War began in 1870. The Imperial Diet had the power to pass, amend, or reject bills, but it could not initiate legislation. Although those living in the states that became part of the German Empire largely shared a common linguistic (German) and religious (Protestant) bond, the borders of the new empire included millions who identified neither with German language and culture (French, Danes, and Poles) nor with the dominant religion (Catholics and Jews). [62] This shuffling of authority within the Prussian military establishment would have important consequences. [75], The debate over the proposed national constitution became moot when news of Italian troop movements in Tyrol and near the Venetian border reached Vienna in April 1866. [34], As important as these improvements were, they could not compete with the impact of the railway. Finally, it extended to the religion of the new Empire's population. The remainder of the letter exhorts the Germans to unification: "This role of world leadership, left vacant as things are today, might well be occupied by the German nation. The southern states became officially incorporated into a unified Germany at the Treaty of Versailles of 1871 (signed 26 February 1871; later ratified in the Treaty of Frankfurt of 10 May 1871), which formally ended the war. Om. PDF AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2008 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) of Prints and Drawings, and Susan Lambert. In practice Young Europe lacked the money and popular support for more than a short-term existence. SEOUL, South Korea . [31], In contrast, the coastal states already had barrier free access to international trade and did not want consumers and producers burdened with the import duties they would pay if they were within the Zollverein customs border. We will look into differences and similarities between German and Italian unification and come to the conclusion. German Unification Timeline by Josue Romero on Prezi Next The possibility of German (or Italian) unification would overturn the overlapping spheres of influence system created in 1815 at the Congress of Vienna. Germany only unified as recently as 1871, when Wilhelm I became the leader of the German Empire following the Franco-Prussian War. [119], Another important element in nation-building, the story of the heroic past, fell to such nationalist German historians as the liberal constitutionalist Friedrich Dahlmann (17851860), his conservative student Heinrich von Treitschke (18341896), and others less conservative, such as Theodor Mommsen (18171903) and Heinrich von Sybel (18171895), to name two. Topics Included: German Unification, Italian Unification, Russification, Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Industrialization Inventions, The Luddites, Child Labor, Woman's Suffrage, Slavery abolition The following is apart of an entire World History Workbook series. 52% average accuracy. AP European History Textbook Western Europe Since 1945 Western Civilization I: Certificate Program . In the aftermath of this disarray, the convergence of von Moltke's operational redesign, von Roon and Wilhelm's army restructure, and Bismarck's diplomacy influenced the realignment of the European balance of power. By 1914, the SPD's 3 million members made it the largest party in Germany. Prussian merchants, with the support of the Prussian crown, established the customs and trade union known as the Zollverein in 1834. AP European History Exam Guide | Fiveable Unification of Germany - Unacademy The Mecklenburgs joined in 1867, while Bremen and Hamburg joined in 1888. German liberals were justifiably skeptical of this plan, having witnessed Bismarck's difficult and ambiguous relationship with the Prussian Landtag (State Parliament), a relationship characterized by Bismarck's cajoling and riding roughshod over the representatives. Let us hope, then, that you can use your energy to overcome your moth-eaten thirty tyrants of the various German states. Europe (1848-1871) quizzes about important details and events in every section of the book. The first part, Das Rheingold, opens with three Rhine Maidens guarding the Rhine Gold, and the last part, Gtterdammerung, concludes with the same Rhine Maidens. Early in his career, Wagner identified with the socialist movement and supported the Revolution of 1848 in Germany. Second, the unification of Italy provided Prussia an ally against Austria in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. Comparing and contrasting Wagner's views of nationalism in "Art and Revolution" with Bismarck's speech to the Prussian Lower House, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each view? The Prussian army invested Paris and held it under siege until mid-January, with the city being "ineffectually bombarded". G.Wawro. The states ranged in size from the small and complex territories of the princely Hohenlohe family branches to sizable, well-defined territories such as the Electorate of Bavaria, the Margraviate of Brandenburg or the Kingdom of Bohemia. The rank of nobility is abolished. Will give brainliest and a will put up a free point questionthe following question refers to a hypothetical situation. Ukrainian forces repelled numerous Russian attacks in Bakhmut over the past 24 hours, Kyiv said on March 4, despite claims by Moscow's mercenaries that the eastern city that has been the focal . The first episode in the saga of German unification under Bismarck came with the Schleswig-Holstein Question. Finally, Germany was not entirely German. The Franco-Prussian War. As Giuseppe Garibaldi wrote to German revolutionary Karl Blind on 10 April 1865, "The progress of humanity seems to have come to a halt, and you with your superior intelligence will know why. For more on this idea, see, for example, Joseph R. Llobera, and Goldsmiths' College. The Napoleon's campaigns in Poland (180607) resulting in his decision to re-establish a form of Polish statehood (the Duchy of Warsaw) at the cost of also Prussian-conquered Polish territories, as well as his campaigns on Iberian Peninsula, in western Germany, and his disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812 disillusioned many Germans, princes and peasants alike. [5] The experience of German-speaking Central Europe during the years of French hegemony contributed to a sense of common cause to remove the French invaders and reassert control over their own lands. These lands made up the territory of the Holy Roman Empire, which at times included more than 1,000 entities. Brunswick joined the Zollverein Customs Union in 1842, while Hanover and Oldenburg finally joined in 1854[32] After the Austro-Prussian war of 1866, Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg were annexed by Prussia and thus annexed also to the Customs Union, while the two Mecklenburg states and the city states of Hamburg and Bremen joined late because they were reliant on international trade. The traditional view, promulgated in large part by late 19th- and early 20th-century pro-Prussian historians, maintains that Bismarck's intent was always German unification. The chancellor was accountable solely to, and served entirely at the discretion of, the Emperor. Many of the states did not have constitutions, and those that did, such as the Duchy of Baden, based suffrage on strict property requirements which effectively limited suffrage to a small portion of the male population. .We need a powerful ruling house. Denis Mack Smith (editor). This experience echoed the memory of mutual accomplishment in the Napoleonic Wars, particularly in the War of Liberation of 181314. However, proponents of Kleindeutsch, Lesser Germany, argued that Austria should be excluded from unification due to dynastic rivalry between the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs and the cultural differences between a mostly Protestant Prussia and Catholic Austria. Hitler often called on the German public to sacrifice all for the cause of their great nation, but his regime did not create German nationalism: it merely capitalized on an intrinsic cultural value of German society that still remains prevalent even to this day. Historians debate whether Otto von BismarckMinister President of Prussiahad a master plan to expand the North German Confederation of 1866 to include the remaining independent German states into a single entity or simply to expand the power of the Kingdom of Prussia. From the German perspective, the actions of Blcher's troops at Waterloo, and the combined efforts at Leipzig, offered a rallying point of pride and enthusiasm. AP stands for "Advanced Placement"; it is a test intended for U.S. or foreign high school students to prove extraordinary knowledge. [123], For the 1871 ceremonial event marking completion of unification, see, Administrative areas after the unification of the, Dissolution of the Old Empire by the Napoleonic Continental System, Rise of German nationalism under Napoleon, Congress of Vienna and the rise of German dualism, Emergence of liberal nationalism and conservative response, German revolutions and Polish uprising of 184849, The aborted 184849 German Empire in retrospective analysis, Problem of spheres of influence: The Erfurt Union and the Punctation of Olmtz, External expectations of a unified Germany, Peace of Prague and the North German Confederation, Unified Italy and Austro-Hungarian Compromise, Open hostilities and the disastrous end of the Second French Empire, War as the capstone of the unification process, Internal political and administrative unification, Historical arguments and the Empire's social anatomy, Beyond the political mechanism: forming a nation, Although the Prussian army had gained its reputation in the. Lacking a geographically central organizing feature (such as a national capital), the rails were laid in webs, linking towns and markets within regions, regions within larger regions, and so on. In addition, the notion of a distinctive path relies upon the underlying assumption that some other nation's path (in this case, the United Kingdom's) is the accepted norm. opaeeftakppooeiflei# 01848--1871: unification of Germany and final unification of Italy and introductionof 3rd republic in France. 0. Different groups offered different solutions to this problem. Austrian-Prussian dualism lay firmly rooted in old Imperial politics. [106], The new German Empire included 26 political entities: twenty-five constituent states (or Bundesstaaten) and one Imperial Territory (or Reichsland). Consequently, these decrees drove the Burschenschaften underground, restricted the publication of nationalist materials, expanded censorship of the press and private correspondence, and limited academic speech by prohibiting university professors from encouraging nationalist discussion. Students will analyze the creation of the German Empire as constructed "from above" by Prussian leadership through political institutions, economic interest, diplomacy, and war and the consequences of this for political, religious, and nationalistic opponents of German unification. One school of thought, which emerged after The Great War and gained momentum in the aftermath of World War II, maintains that the failure of German liberals in the Frankfurt Parliament led to bourgeoisie compromise with conservatives (especially the conservative Junker landholders), which subsequently led to the so-called Sonderweg (distinctive path) of 20th-century German history. italian unification ap european history crash course albert web mar 1 2022 the italian unification refers to the events that took place between 1848 and 1870 on the Free Essays on Ap Euro Dbq German Unification Harvey, David Allen. On 1 May, Wilhelm gave von Moltke command over the Prussian armed forces, and the next day he began full-scale mobilization. All Germans are equal before the law. Its borders resembled those of its predecessor, the Holy Roman Empire (though there were some deviations e.g. With France, Bismarck benefited from Emperor Napoleon III's failed campaign in Mexico, which distracted the French from European affairs. [86], The end of Austrian dominance of the German states shifted Austria's attention to the Balkans. Their pressure resulted in a variety of elections, based on different voting qualifications, such as the Prussian three-class franchise, which granted to some electoral groupschiefly the wealthier, landed onesgreater representative power. [105] "Einheit unity was achieved at the expense of Freiheit freedom. Despite undergoing in the later years several further changes of its name and borders, overhauls of its constitutional system, periods of limited sovereignty and interrupted unity of its territory or government, and despite dissolution of its dominant founding federated state, the polity resulting from the unification process continues its existence, surviving until today in its contemporary form known as the Federal Republic of Germany. Although some of the outlying German provinces were not serviced by rail until the 1890s, the majority of the population, manufacturing centers, and production centers were linked to the rail network by 1865. PDF Italian and German Unification Secondary Sources - AP European history German and Italian unification was the fruit of the nationalism in 19th century. Many of their ideas and programs were later incorporated into Bismarck's social programs (e.g., social insurance, education programs, and wider definitions of suffrage). Despite the legal, administrative, and political disruption caused by the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, the German-speaking people of the old Empire had a common linguistic, cultural, and legal tradition. It realized the Kleindeutsche Lsung ("Lesser German Solution", with the exclusion of Austria) as opposed to a Grodeutsche Lsung or "Greater German Solution", which would have included Austria. Ultimately, many of the left-wing revolutionaries hoped this constitution would establish universal male suffrage, a permanent national parliament, and a unified Germany, possibly under the leadership of the Prussian king. [69] While the conditions of the treaties binding the various German states to one another prohibited Bismarck from taking unilateral action, the politician and diplomat in him realized the impracticality of this. Italian and German Unification Secondary Sources SOURCE 1: Excerpt from Raymond Grew, A Sterner Plan for Italian Unity, 1963, pp. AP European History Mr. Trinkner Boulder High School DBQ: German Unification Question: Weigh the relative importance of German nationalism and Prussian political aspirations in the unification of Germany. The economic strength of Prussia was one of the most important reasons behind the unification of Germany. Post-1945 historians, however, see more short-term opportunism and cynicism in Bismarck's manipulation of the circumstances to create a war, rather than a grand scheme to unify a nation-state.