That to me is subtlety at its best. . His character is flawed. Yan Kuan is a beautiful man, but prone to imperfection as in bloated face and all. In here we have her expressions and she is very expressive. when Liancheng hit her? Because any reasons given will just be an excuse and makes his character even more calculative and devious and will dishonour his love for Fuya. One more is the wedding night kissing scene. The doors are opened, guards are outside, he is in chains and still they can manage to have sex without alerting anyone. Liancheng may have died at Xianguns hands but it was because he had to protect Fuya. Even Ma Fuya seem more like an observer than a participant. He lets her do whatever she wants as long as she stays with him and it is in those gentle scenes that I feel more sorry for Liu Liancheng because it is a lost cause. And the last one, Duyun dies after Fuya stabbed him on the neck with her hairpin. Competent on a good day, terribly inadequate in most and absolutely horrid on her worst day. However her acting is another matter altogether. That makes Liancheng a better Emperor. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'jaynestars_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',639,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');Spoiler. The single most despicable character in this entire series who supposedly loves Concubine Mei so much and so loves Qiyun the most but in the end you will realise he only loves himself. What is imperial concubine? I actually liked Qixing but towards the end he so feared death he was such a coward, I am sure you will hate him too. I thought if this was his real voice, it sounded like someone 5 inches shorter than Yan Kuan. 2nd place would have been Yan Kuan. Anger, pain, happiness, doubt, everything. I did have one question throughout; I was wondering Why wont Ma Fuya love him? because if she did, problem solved. He had to marry a woman he did not love. Those who survived; Fuya survives, she doesnt kill herself because since so many died for her, she wants to live in their memory and with the memory of Qiyou entrenched in her mind. Be the first to write a review. The last reason is simply because this series for the most part has memorable characters which are almost well written but because it is also rather long, the momentum is lost towards the end. Whatever you have read about the synopsis, chuck it out because it aint the same. Her favourite lineMA!!!.. the glamorous imperial concubine recap. You dont hear her real voice, but you will see the way her lips bite her tongue and I suspect she must have gone for perfect diction sort of delivering her lines. 5 year?) But when it comes to personal lives, Liancheng is a luckier man except on his wedding night he should have asked his mom Exactly which princess of Chu am I marrying? because if he had, no drama. After all these 2 were bound by their love for Liancheng. All the murders she did, all the political marriage she arranged, her turning away Fuya, etc all for the sake of giving her son a stable kingdom. A lot of TVB actors and actresses have to go to China to be challenged as an actor and most live up to that challenge because theyre already rather good actors before they left TVB. Sun Xi as Muo Chou is kind of a pointless character. She makes decision for Qiyou without first asking him. The new drama will feature the same co-producer and scriptwriter from Light the Night. She plays her as someone who loves her husband so much and yet is so disappointed in him. The silliest hairstyles has to be the Northern Han with the high tail hair or testicles hair. Yunzhu dies trying to shield Fuya. I dont think that is her real voice because her real voice is beautiful. Qixing and his trademark running away like some stray chicken whenever he feels threatened. A pity his real voice is not used or if used, he certainly sounded higher pitched. And her I want to revive Chu Kingdom comes and goes as and when she finds convenient. They were close as children since they grew up together but at some point Qiyou became cold towards him but that was after he found out Mei whom he loved very much on her deathbed asked her husband to make Qiyun Emperor and not Qiyou. So she did many things. However his face can be puffy and tired looking. But the one thing he does best is his very expressive eyes. Kara Hui is AWESOME in the series. Qixing effectively killed himself when he ran straigh into Qiyous sword when he was charging at Qiyou. Point is why she wont love his back is simply because she fell for another in the times (3 years? One day she meets Liu Liancheng, the crown prince of Northern Han and he fell for her, she however does not wish to marry royalty. PG-13 2020 1 h 16 m. More. When he was born he was snatched away to be taken care by his mean fathers favourite concubine, Mei. He understood her but he can never accept her actions. Ruby Lin Next Target of Official Crackdown? And then he became the first and foremost reason, until I decided my heart can have 2 men at one go although Wallace (oh how my heart flutters) remains numero uno since then.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jaynestars_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',643,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-leader-3-0'); In episode 1 this beautiful man, with the most beautiful head gear and a huge fur coat on his shoulder (like some dead purple fox draped over his shoulder) looking rather sad, melancholic and depressed all rolled into one. But seriously, the worst has to be her face and the way she delivers her lines. Well done! Yes she is too old for I assume a young character but unlike some actresses who look their age, she looks much younger than her actual age. But despite my criticisms on many critical points, I was entertained. But she still had Qiyou until her husband cruelly took him away from her, and her bitterness also spill over to Qiyou because Qiyou unknowingly whilst trying to win her favours also grew close to Mei and she hated Mei. While the drama focuses on the life of madam and hostess in Taipeis nightclub, the focus is shifting to the circumstances of a murder. I actually thought no he is not dead. No one does it better than him, the weight of the world on his shoulders and he looks like he doesnt give a damn, which is what makes his Liu Lian Cheng so irresistible. Wallace didnt hold back; the scenes he has with the actress Hong Xiaoling as ma Xiangyun were difficult to watch. Filming for the series started on 19 January 2011 in Hengdian and wrapped up on 6 April 2011. Anyway just an observation or rather my failed attempt in prolonging this review. Imagine that! Ruby Lin as Ma Fu Ya / Pan Yu (Lady Yuan)Yan Kuan as Meng Qi You (Crown Prince)Wallace Huo as Liu Lian ChengTony Yang as Liu Lian XiHong Xiao Ling as Ma Xiang YunKara Hui as Du Fei Hong (Empress Du)Dai Chun Rong as Dowager GuduWang Lin as Han Chao YiWang Yu as as Meng Qi YunLiu Tao as Wen Jing Ruo (Lady Jing)Zheng Kai as Han MingMao Zi Jun as Ma Du YunLiu Zi Jiao as Liu Lian SiMiao Jun Hao as Hua Gong Gong (Eunuch Hua)Qiu Shuang as Meng Qi XingJiang Kai as Meng Zhi Xiang (Emperor)Yang Kai Chun as Yun ZhuHao Ze Jia as Du WanChen Chen as Su YaoKang Qun Zhi as Li Mu Yi (Empress of Chu)Liu Yong as Ma Yin (King of Chu)Du Jun Ze as Yi BingHao Luo Fan as Xiao Xin GanZhang Xiao Chen as Shen ZhiZhou Yi Wei as Chai RongSun Xi as Mo ChouChen Xi as Li FeiWu Xin as palace maid. No idea what happened to her in the end. Like I wrote in my recaps, all he needs now is his faithful dog running away and a bird flying by and drop some bird droppings on his head. Ma Xiangyun is one character I never liked from the 1st time I see her. In her novel, also a romance, Prospero becomes Mama Day, Sycorax the vicious . So off was her key it would have been galaxies away before you can find the correct key. Her casting decision, if it is all her own is nothing short of impeccable and accurate for all the veterans and male actors, although she falters as to the younger female, probably because she doesnt want attention to be taken away from her. Hao Ze Jia as Du Wan (Finished Gambling! This Ma Fu Ya character just rubbed me the wrong way every way. Published by at February 16, 2022. His own blood brother later abandoned him and wished him dead. He has all the right expression in every scene. She just looks wide eyed, innocent, etc. In this series, she is at times ok, at times competent but mostly seriously inadequate. In fact his father never loved anyone but himself. I suppose if you must have a weird guy that is Lianxi, then you must have weird girl, Muo Chou. June 29, 2022; alpha asher by jane doe pdf; count philipp von bernstorff net worth . Second marriage gave her shelter to heal her broken heart. Depends why youre torn. Fuya and Xiangyun are supposed to be great dancers but there is nothing graceful. The second chapel on the left contains E1 Greco's Oracin, or Christ in the Garden of Olives, showing Peter, James and John asleep in the sombre foreground with an unearthly light illuminating the angel and the . The mistress of Qiyou at the beginning is sent away to live as a mistress for someone rich and will give her the protection and comfort she needs, as according to Qiyou but the point is she wants Qiyou but Qiyou doesnt want her. But there was some problem with the script; one scene Qiyun told his dad he wants to be emperor. Besides, his mom and dad treated him so bady, over-looking and tormenting him for his brothers for the throne while he is clearly the most capable, how can you not want to stand on his side and comfort him and cheer him on???!!! She is not a bad mother but she had to be one to safeguard her sons and the one son she wanted desperately for him to love her is Qiyou who also desperately want her to love him until at one point he just gave up. Maybe because she knows she has Concubine Han and her brother Han Ming behind her back but for a maid she is really 100% fail. I was instantly captivated. I would have cringed if another lesser actor portrayed this role and to see him crawl to that hated she-devil Ma Fuya begging for forgiveness, my blood boiled. PerformanceI am under no illusion that Wallace Huo is not the greatest actor ever. He is abusive to her, physically when he hits her, mentally when he ignores her and emotionally when he refuses to return her love. She didnt kill anyone; but many died for her. But if she is Fuya, she is to me pretty but too dark. They mark the pitch of competing powers, the end of some and the ascendancy Of course I do not know what happened to Muo Chou. Qiyou had and will continue to have a rough life until his death. Qiyun is Qiyous half brother whose mother is Mei. I couldnt believe an eunuch dared scold the Emperor but we are to suppose this emperor is a family oriented guy and treats this eunuch as his brother. And Lianxi loves Liancheng and would do anything for him. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Liancheng on the other hand became an emperor earlier, whilst he is officially advised by his mother, he never quite listen to her. I mean I hate Ma Fuya too but Ma Xiangyun is just one nasty woman. Saying hi to other Yan Kuan fans here . You may pity her, for years she married Liancheng and he never touched her except for twice and twice also never completed the deed. Evil uncle of Fuya dies from being stabbed by Duyun. He does have a face for extreme closeups. I weep at the thought how he made life so difficult for himself. He studies the art of poison and did many things to help Liancheng. She just appears to be an obstacle for Qiyou and Fuya and by which time the series have already gone one circle over beloved woman vs not beloved woman that is in Nothern Han. If she advises C, he will do D. Basically everything she says or does, he will do opposite and say opposite. I read in forums a detailed explanation by the screenwriter on what makes Lian Cheng the Lian Cheng we see, plus the fact a few episodes were edited out.