Stefan, with a few choice comments from Damon, tells Elena that she was in an accident, that Meredith Fell had healed her with vampire blood the other night and that she had died with vampire blood in her system. In that moment Stefan arrives and sees what has happened. He says "If I let myself care, all I feel is pain," and then leaves. Stefan finally confesses that he's been working with Klaus because Connor's tattoo is the key to finding a cure for vampirism. Katherine jumps off the tower. Stefan said it was like this because his emotions were off and Klaus says that this is the reason why he was more fun. Later Stefan contemplates turning the switch off until a vision of Elena convinces him to keep on fighting. Elena gets angry and says that he should look at himself, because his whole life revolves around her and maybe he's the one who needs to turn it all off. Stefan agrees to move out all of the residents of Mystic Falls in exchange for the Heretics to live in his home. He falls to the grown saying that this should've stopped, but he's all alone in the woods. Within in the house, is revealed that Elena and Stefan are needed to perform the spell for their doppelgnger's blood, they are surrounded by many Travelers that begin to perform the spell, they are stuck unable to leave because their rings of light stopped working. As time went on, however, they bonded over their similar family histories, as well as Stefan's penchant for petty cruelty toward humans, and became best friends who enjoyed each other's company immensely. He then compelled him to kill Elena if the clock reached 0. The car continues moving until it almost hits Liv. Stefan gives Katherine one last peaceful dream. However, not too long afterwards he began to display remorse for the horrible person he at some point seemed to be, openly calling himself a monster and admitting that he even scared himself once he nearly killed a innocent girl while thinking he could handle it. Damon says that they'll do whatever they have to do-he'll throw Rebekah under a school bus and wrap Elena in a burlap sack. They arrive to Mystic Falls and on that moment the Travelers are doing their spell, suddenly, Liv is standing in the middle of the road, with her hand held out, Stefan scream to stop, Maria gasps and stomps down on the brake. Stefan owns his own iMac desktop computer. Stefan hangs up; telling Caroline and the hybrid guards that they don't need the sword anymore. Stefan then decides to accompany her but Enzo interrupts them telling that he can't because the Travelers still need him, Caroline says him that she will be fine and that he would do the same for her, Stefan tells her that he don't trust in Enzo and Caroline says that don't worry because she don't trust in Enzo too and that she will be safe, she promise that to him, Enzo says goodbye to Stefan with a wave and leaves with Caroline leaving Stefan worried. They are interrupted by Damon and Bonnie. His parents died that night, but Blake and his sister survived. Damon urges Stefan to get Luke out of the burning building. Stefan smirked as he pulled you into his arms. It turned out that Oscar had stashed Julian's body at a casket emporium. Despite reservations from Damon, Stefan tells her to do it anyway. Stefan fights with Damon Salvatore upon his return to Mystic Falls. She tells him that he is better but Stefan tells her that he has to go, he goes and leaves her alone with Jesse. Downstairs, he and Damon argue about what to do next: Stefan wants to do everything they can to find a way out of Elena's transition, while Damon wants her to accept the inevitable, feed on human blood and not risk dying permanently. Stefan says that she's starting to lose it and asks if he had found Bonnie. Stefan enjoys reading, studying and literature. He then gets a phone call from Elena who asks him if there's hope, but he tells her, he can't find anything and that she should move on. They discuss recent events, acknowledging that now they all know about the cure and will have to work together going forward. He says that since she's dying, he can "muster" some compassion for her. In that moment Rebekah wakes up, Damon tries to kill her but she catches the knife he threw at her and with that they realize that she's still a vampire and the fake cure was probably just some blood with vervain in it. As Katherine see that her daughter is gone for good, she tries to escape but Damon stops her. Stefan reveals that he can't because he hates himself for what he did to her. In Handle with Care, Stefan is located in the cabin of Qetsiyah, she tells him that is the day that Silas will die because he has taken the cure and that she will kill him, when Qetsiyah tries to leave the cabin they realize they are trapped by a spell cast by Silas. Elena tells Stefan to get Jeremy up to his room. Later, Elena arrives at the cabin where Stefan is, she is worried about him because she believes he has been sleeping with Qetsiyah. Then Bonnie gets inside while the Salvatore brothers talk outside, but both groups are actually discussing the same thing. Stefan was left behind to believe that Valerie just used him and eventually moved on from her. In We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes, Stefan shows up at the Gilbert House after receiving a call from Damon that Elena had stabbed and killed Jeremy. After they have completely filled a pot each, their wounds begin to heal and they are released. He calls Elena, but when she picks up he remains silent, Elena realizes who is on the phone. Katherine tells Stefan that what he is suffering is called PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder). Stefan asks his brother what is he trying to find and Damon explains that Will had a repeat customer-a 5'7 brunette which was probably Katherine back then and he was actually helping her run from him. The baby cries again, and Katherine goes to the crib. At the end of the episode they show Stefan as he is about to bury Silas. In his human years, when it came to love and romance, Stefan was liked, admired by and popular with women. Stefan lunges toward him to protect Caroline and tries to pin him to the car, but Julian has the upper hand. Later, Caroline is with Stefan waiting for him to wake up, when he wake up Stefan teases her calling her "Rebekah" and she cares for him, then he call her "Lexi" and she realizes it's a joke, Stefan asks her if the spell worked and then arrives Enzo, he thanks her for her call and says it's time to go, Stefan ask her what is happening and Caroline says as Sloan was going to fry his brain to kill his doppelgnger and that she wasn't about to let that happen, so she have volunteered to help Enzo deal with it, that mean kill him. Klaus sends Stefan after her to find out where the hunter's sword, required to decode the map, was hidden. He's a little preoccupied with Enzo, who followed him and discovered his secret. At that moment appears Sloan and Enzo to do the spell, Stefan asks where is the antidote, but Sloan says him that he will have the antidote when they are done, Stefan is disagree and says he will do what they want but first he need the antidote, Enzo says that will take care of the antidote for Elena and Damon, one of the Travelers comes behind Enzo and hands him the serum, Enzo invite to Caroline to join him but she stays with Stefan while he goes through the process of "mind searching" for the doppelgnger. Rebekah however hears them and crosses Katherine's path. She says that she doesn't want anymore lecture and he responds that he was impressed by her actions, because she played them all very well as her intentions from the beginning were to simply find a person to feed on. He moves into Caroline's house who tells her he can't give up on the cure- or Elena. He was often seen wearing t-shirts, shirts or sweaters of darker colors and in various styles (such as short-sleeved, round-necked and v-necked shirts). Stefan asks his brother what will happen when they find Elena, how are they going to make her come back home when they have in mind that she has also an original vampire on her side. Nora successfully siphons it and Caroline snaps her neck. So the cure ends up at the original family-Elijah and Rebekah go back to Mystic Falls. In Because, Stefan and Caroline check into a bed and breakfast for a little R&R. The guy reminds Stefan that he put his brother in the hospital. Stefan is reunited with the others in the room and he was upset that they are celebrating the death of Katherine, Damon invites you to celebrate too and he takes a drink, but he reminds them of all the bad things that have happened in her life, Damon taunts of him and reveals that Stefan slept with Katherine, everyone is surprised especially Elena. Stefan then goes and helps Caroline pack up her house and then goes and packs up the grill. Damon is surprised and says that this is the reason why his little brother is the better boyfriend. Katherine asks Stefan why he's being to her. Stefan runs over to Damon and starts to help him up, but decides to punch him instead. [7] Stefan still carried his caring and kind interior as well, though on the outside he was somewhat more rude and less polite than before. Given the degree to which he's tortured him, he thinks Enzo is telling the truth that Mystic Falls doesn't have much of a vampire problem, and that it's moved down to Savannah. Harper tried to protect him, but they tied him up. Caroline asks him where is the antidote and Enzo nods and a group of Travelers disperse through the stockyard. When in a bar drinking together arrives the waitress, Stefan feels the need to drink her blood. Katherine introduces her to Stefan. In Home, Stefan watches as Damon, Elena, and Caroline mourn his death until he is nearly sucked up on the Other Side and saved by Lexi. Sitting on her mom's hospital bed, Caroline learns from Stefan how to live in someone else's memories. Elena, distracted by the bomb blast, looks up to find Jeremy; Connor takes advantage and overpowers her. Elena turns her humanity off. Soon, however, Elena begins to feel sick, pushes Stefan away, runs away with vampire speed and vomits up the animal blood. Stefan is about to leave but Elena asks him why she not run like she normally does and and what was the reason for Katherine to stay , Stefan tells her that for Katherine staying alive wasn't enough and that she wanted it all, she wanted him. Not taking any chances, Giuseppe tries to stake and kill Stefan. In the 1864 flashbacks, Stefan was often seen wearing long pants, overalls made of denim with suspenders with a shirt underneath, dress shirts (often white in color), dress coats, vests (of various colors), trousers (normally in beige), waistcoats, and cravats with laced-leather boots (often beige in color). In Man on Fire, Stefan is with Elena at the Grill, helping her with her studies, they tease each other and in that moment Bonnie arrives, who is worried about what is happening on the other side. Elena confesses that while she loves Stefan for helping her through her transition, she can't deny her relationship with Damon has intensified since she became a vampire. Stefan Salvatore is seventeen years old in 1864. Caroline says that Klaus should care now because he has killed many supernatural beings including vampires, werewolves and witches. He asks her to tell him what she wants to hear so they can go back to being friends again. Whilst their relationship will continue to be tested through highs and lows, it is clear that the two share a strong brotherly bond. They stop at a warehouse and Stefan and Valerie bicker as Damon moves all the planks away from the door.