Too much people are sceptics, they dont believe this story, but I have open mind. K.. Answer: As far as we know 14 species. Answer: I can attempt to do so, but I certainly will not tell you where this place is located. After reading the talk with Lacerta, I ask myself: What sense does it have to me to continue living simply without thinking of this truth and ignoring the future that awaits me and my species or the end? Posted by on iunie 11, 2022 CLOSE YOUR MIND AND OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT I HAVE. What is called the Luciferian Rebellion happened about 200,000 years ago. The reptilian race has been active for a very long time. I am not always one to be paranoid or think about ETs or what came before us Im not that philosophical usually but this had me thinking. A base was put in operation with regards to advancing the atomic weapons of the US in NM and three very powerful radar stations were installed in a sort of triangular area and the area was tagged as completely a NO-FLY ZONE area. The caves you have discovered near to the surface are tiny in comparison to real caves and huge caverns deeper in the earth (in a depth of 2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected with many hidden tunnels to the surface or to surface-near caves) and we live in large and advanced cities and colonies inside such caves. In my town to the west there is a small cave opening. Question: Only one last question. But I have another question. This would mean that I would meet with you two or three and learn. Whenever an alien mind ought to be influenced, then there are some generally valid steps, which are set into motion by other extraterrestrial species. Listen and learn with an awakened and open mind. Nice to see the interest of many, and also nice to read good comments, and the possibility to connect more dots, thus reinforcing what I feel in my heart is consistent and makes sense in my understanding of the nature and meaning of existence. Just makes me giggle. Answer: Of course. For me it is OK to have this opinion. Meditate on the subjects you study and dont be gullible. A scientist in the country you call United States had built a nearly correct skeleton of our kind some years ago, but the local government (which is partly aware of our existence) confiscated the reconstruction. This ancient conditioning stems from the days of your third artificial creation and, biologically speaking, is passed down as an information genome from generation to generation. Like about their faith and culture, and why an advanced life form doesn't care about a lesser one. Whenever a ship with one of those kinds of drives gets into a field fluctuation or into an eddy that is too strong, then for a short time the repelling field can no longer align itself correctly and the ship glides uncontrolled on its flight path. The central building is generally a center of religion, but also a center for climate control, and a center for the behavior and the regulation of the lighting system. Once again, all of this may sound strange and paranoid, like a fantasy from a cheap science fiction film; however, I can only repeat to and assure the reader once again: all of this is the unadulterated truth. Luis Prada, so you did not meet Lacerta, you transcribed the interview, correct? It was in your year 1998, when I was on my way further north from here in the remote forests in the vicinity of the entrance to my world and was looking for biological specimens, which we use in order to watch over environmental pollution and destruction of your flora and fauna statistically by your own kind. Please, read them and you're welcome to make comments on them. Well, after some centuries the aliens decided to extinct their first creation and they accelerated the evolution of a second and better test series and so on and so on. We are different people now. Lets call it a para-layer, for this layer is mainly responsible for everything which you call PSI and paranormal and which lies outside the boundaries of your primitive science. Answer: Do you really think I will tell you their exact location? It is an unusual thought, but perhaps living a simple life with books and nature has taught me to appreciate things which are true, timeless and meaningful. This is not a typical comment platform, like YouTube, where people can runt and rave with no restriction; here we have to be respectful to each other and to pay attention to the answers given before jumping to fight. Answer: Pleiades? For example, if I decide to use my mental powers once more in order to move this pencil, then, simply said, I imagine in my mind how my consciousness/awareness expands/amplifies itself on the matter side in the form of post-plasma to the pencil. just not enough of us brave enough to step forward? The Lacerta Files and its reptilian hybrids show the persistence of appealing myths. When I am driving, I slow down for a duck, giving the mother time to reach the other side of the road with her ducklings. The following is generally valid: the stronger the paranormal abilities of a species, the simpler the adaptation and the access. According to Lacerta we are on our own, tough luck for us humans. Thank you for this and previous contributions to this subject. The reason for this destruction was not a natural disaster an asteroid impact as your scientists believe falsely but a war between two enemy alien groups that took mainly place in the orbit and high atmosphere of your planet. By the way it's not copper they are after. K.: The meeting began with an appraisal of diverse questions and opinions which I had gotten from readers of the first transcript in anonymous fashion through distribution from my trustworthy friends. I have heard of this saying. "Lucifer asked me for advice, mom. I've always thought things just didn't make sense, or add up? Same with ants in the garden, I let them be. To have a glimpse of the future read the book Brother Veritus Community Plan in The future of our planet is already known. We avoid contact with you and we operate on the surface only in remote areas and there we use the mimicry techniques in case we should meet some people. I steered the conversation in this direction, and E.F. said something to the effect that he believed in alien species and that they did not have to necessarily be evil, but perhaps only different than his kind are. I believe what you have written. which deceiveth the whole world: @Z Though I am not a Christian, the Bible states, "Only a fool says in his heart: 'There is no God' ". We are at the End Times. Mind control is one of their talents. Imagine the body of a normal human woman and you have at first a good imagination of my body. Taken from . How old is your species? They are extremely nave, on the contrary. Are the deleted portions of the interviews available? More about that later.) Question: Do you mean, that you can really make me belief that I talk now with an attractive brown-haired human woman instead of a reptilian being like you? It was by means of that device that you saw for the first time that you had understood the entire concept fully incorrectly and that you had reconstructed it fully incorrectly. Humans are so pathetic. Were you looking for an answer other than God and you finally got it from lacerta? In my gut I know something about this world and the things that happen around us isnt right, something clearly is blocked and is an illusion. If they seem friendly, they are not in fact, they are stealing you blind. Read online the book Brother Veritus Community Plan at . Secondly, Lacerta needs to know that there is hope that us humans will develop and do what we can to grow into a respectable species, as many light workers have come to the earth (or Terran). ANYONE can talk about dinosaur this and dinosaur that and not provide any real meaningful information that could be confirmed by science. Now there is still another intermediary layer for which you unfortunately have no human concept, since the theory is not common in human thinking. A tail makes only sense for a primitive species which tries to walk on two legs and must held the balance with the tail, but our skeleton had changed during evolution and our spine is nearly in the same shape as yours, so we need no tail to stay on two feet. The best is to post information and make comments voicing your opinion on every subject using the internet and social networks. Lacerta said she is a student, studying us, and currently with permission to do so. You can read about that war for example partly in the book you call Bible in a very strange way of description. At home theyve had enough time to have had their ships crossing back and forth. Animals in a very large lab. All I really want to say is that I have questions and theories/answers that I want someone to hear. We have external round ears but they are smaller and not so curved as yours, but we can hear better because our ears are more sensitive for sonic (we can also hear a wider range of sonic). The timelines she references cannot be ignored regarding the last 5000 years. If you have reached this point, you should know that we are now definitely aware of your presence. This symbol was used from certain parts of my society, but it is today very seldom you humans have copied it very often in your old writings. But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. Question: I dont know. We watch nature and dont want to see it destroyed. Show me the photos. I was never very good in that mind things, but we all have these primary abilities and can use them for example for our protection or even for attack. If you receive it, please send it to all your friends via e-mail or make print-outs and copy them. It is important what we want to be and how we want to be. The cavern was organized as a colony about 3000 years ago; a major portion of the ceiling structure is artificially integrated into the rock and the form was remodeled into an almost elegantly proportioned and very flat dome with an oval ground plan. They believe, because of their education, that they have a superior mind and therefore their point of view is above that of the one of people who believe in the paranormal, UFOs and conspiracy theories. The plate was made of an even for us unknown magnetic material and inside the plate there was another smaller crystal plate which contained an enormous amount of information coded in the molecular structure of the crystal. Probably the oldest known human writing that weve translated is from Sumer. In addition, not everyone of your abductees is one and some of the aliens in their reports are really just imagination or lies. The Lacerta Files Jimmy Bergman, Owner, Sweden. It is one of your own secret military projects that you build with the help of immature alien technology technology that was handed over to you by the extraterrestrials during the 1960s and the 1970s. Your kind is ignorant. You really ought to be intelligent enough not to fall for a mix-up like that. Psychic human beings exist. If so, the writer is a genius. It is a mistake to think that all reptilians, no matter where they were born and live, are the same people with the same agenda of the New World Order for planet Earth. Question: The seven stars in the second symbol youve mentioned, do they mean the Pleiades? Very important: dont close your eyes (this would lead to a different form of brain waves which are more easy to access) and dont sit or lay down to rest. None of these occurrences have happened in the last 200 years of your time scale. Two colonies are no longer in use and abandoned, so 5 stars would be more correct. Ive read a lot of this kind of stuff on the internet but this really blows my mind everytime I read it. Figures of authority through centuries in higher places have lied to us because they represent their interests and the interests of the 1%. In case you were expecting me to act offended, I guess Ill have to partially disappoint you. The last battles in this war were fought around 5,000 years ago in orbit and surface. HPV causes all cancers. This is very difficult and certainly painful and it can harm you, so better dont try to resist but it would be the only possibility you have. Your conception of the physical world is based upon a simple material illusion. My homeland lies in one of our smaller underground settlements to the east of here. Lo que podemos hacer es cambiar nuestra forma de pensar y en esta forma el sistema cambiar. I doubt you can, because your mind is like an open book to read and write for nearly every species I know. Some of the stuff I read correlated to past of the story you told. One was from Mars and the other native to Earth. The reptilian race is very old in the galaxy. When I informed E.F. personally about these events, he suggested that I change the place and date of the meeting in order to assure our own and Lacertas safety. Some members of that human government are fully aware of our existence also partially owing to an old religious basis. You people play with unknown forces and thereby accept the death of colleagues of your own kind, for they are dying for a greater cause, namely, for the advancement of your technology, which as a result is being put into place once again for the purpose of war, i.e., for negative pursuits. Youve mentioned the race of the Illojim who have created our human race. Secondly, regarding her statement in NM (1947/06) Old Style Craft collision is also correct in details, except one item. The other exterior differences from your kind are minor and I think I must not mention all now, because most of them are not visible if we wear clothing. Answer: Yes, but that incident was not the first one. Triangular UFOs belong generally to your own military but they use foreign technology to build them. Having stations here on earth makes sense for observation purposes but their full on cities and civilization would likely be on bases outside of Earth where this is zero chance of being discovered. Finalmente, nosotros no somos responsables de estar aqu y es muy triste que nos usen de esa manera como lo estn haciendo en este momento unos cuantos (los Iluminati). This group includes generally your genetic relations except one of them had decided to left this group and your connection with father and mother is often the strongest. But please note the following: there are NO absolutely good and there are NO absolutely bad species, because each and every species always consists of individuals. Lacerta said in the interview. Youve mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. So what label would you put on the human race benevolent? malevolent? Nevertheless, this little humanoid-like dinosaur evolved during the following 30 million years (as I have said earlier, a species need generally more time to evolve than you think, if the evolution is not artificially induced like in your case) from an animal to a more or less thinking being. It is not important to which group or race we belong. So many of us eat things we grow ourselves, look at the bible in a metaphorical sense and study it with caution, ignore the news, follow our own path, have that free will Lacerta was speaking about. There is no free will available in our society how to deal with the information in this interview because it is not embedded in a trusted, and open environment, with a free access of information, where everybody can freely judge about this subject. Tambin es cierto que somos subdesarrollados y en cierta forma desprotegidos mentalmente, pero por qu no unirnos para evitar que los otros extraterrestres nos hagan dao? The secret endeavor was to set the alien technology in place later against evil enemies of that great country. If one moves forward with an open and discerning mind, then truth has a chance to reveal itself to you . Ive done this many times and you weak humans generally see me as an attractive brown-haired woman, because I have created this special mimicry image in my mind years ago and I can induce it into your minds without problems. Do you know how much mass a sun must have to produce energy and light for a longer time by fusion? 27 years, including the Tall Whites and Reptilian casts. The programming for the utter negation of another species (especially the reptilian species) as in your own case is deeply embedded in each of your own individual consciousnesses. Some time ago I came across the Lacerta Interview and after two years of further investigation and digging deeply into Tom Campbells MBT Theory, I rediscovered the significance and consistency of the information given in the Lacerta interview. There are rules for this website I adhere and they are in the forum at for decency and respect. Probably in WayBackMachine you can find her name in an archived copy of this publication. I think we all know the answer to that one! Misjudging the conditions of this planet as a result of punishment from God or as a negligence of God or as a lack of action on His part is a mistake and result of ignorance of karmic laws. They were simple animals. Personally, I know that I am ignorant because I would like to do that. It sounds rather strange and certainly impossible for your comprehension, but perhaps this simple explanation can be of some use to you in helping you to understand. Our evolution time may seem incredible long to you, but this is in fact the original way of nature. Can you take a look at the pictures and tell me in which of them actual extraterrestrial aerial craft can be seen? This depends certainly on the point of view. This is impossible. Do you lay eggs? The rest of our knowledge about our evolution comes from skeletons and from the back-reading and de/encoding of our DNA. Los reptilianos sienten el amor pero en su naturaleza son algo fros emocionalmente, son ms mentales. Whilst regressed he regularly reveals technological and mystical knowledge far advanced for the time. Youre telling me they dont have giant ships orbiting Earth in camouflage or have bases on nearby spatial bodies? The embryo inside this hull is completely autarky from the mothers body and it has every substance it needs to develop inside this chalk hull. Do you have any idea what kind of an effect a plasma-magnetic jolt has, when it comes into contact with an organism? I found this very interesting. And the way she describes their bodies, and how they works, that they dont need a tail, etc. This female being was already in contact with a friend of mine (whose name is given only with the abbreviation E.F. in the text) since some months. The best Youtube to MP4 converter. After listening to the dictated versions of the Lacerta files and am very interested in this subject. The magnetic field of the Earth is not really all that stable; it is subject to cyclical variations and it forms field eddies under unfavorable conditions. No, I would not! EVERYTHING THAT WAS SAID BY HER IS ABSOLUTE TRUTH. The history and knowledge would be amazing. Even the amplitude equalizations among genuine matter can be achieved with one of those kinds of fields if the frequency and the distance from the plane of the field are high enough. Generally, the form of the hull for a genuine extraterrestrial ship is of no consequence, for inside the field itself there are no exterior forces that have any effect there; in general, the ships have a rounded off form and they are built without hard edges as a disk or a cylinder so that the field can flow more easily.