Therefore, Lord, I ask for a spiritual supernatural breakthrough to fulfill your purpose in my life. I thank you that you are seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for me. Help me to think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise so Your peace will guard my mind (Philippians 4:8-9). I am grateful for that forgiveness, but sometimes those memories resurface. I thank you for your infinite majesty and beauty, which your angels delight to behold. 2. Thank you Lord! Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. Psalm 107:6, Help us to let go of our timeline and embrace Your process and Your perfect timing. Lord, deliver me from the unholy things that I have entangled myself in. You can read these four secrets to powerful prayers that get answered for more information! Dear God, I pray for breakthrough and deliverance in my place of work. Successful deliverance can only happen when individuals come into the complete truth of the Gospel. In your glorious name, Amen. No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Inner healing is simply renewing your mind to believe what the Bible says. Every demonic agent sent from the pit of hell to cause delay and setback for me and my family. 2. prophetic prayers for miracle: Prophetic prayer book for miracle of breakthrough in life, healing, deliverance, job ,debt, finances, ministry ,business, marriage ,mental health, for total change - Kindle edition by Vivian, Evangeliist . Let the majesty of the Father be the light that guides me, the compassion of the Son be the love that inspires me and the presence of the Spirit be the strength that empowers me. These prayers are systematically and spiritually arranged to give you the much needed help. May Christ dwell in my heart through faith so that I, being rooted and grounded in love, may have the strength to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. Jeremiah 29:12 tells us that when we pray to God, He will listen to us. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Lord, I declare that my family members shall not be afflicted with sickness. Or someone I love? Help me to trust in what is unseen. Awaken confidence in me that I may receive all the blessings that you have prepared for me. The Bible says, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. To you be glory and honor forever and ever. I pray that these blessings begin to show in my life now, in Jesus name (See Ephesians 1:3, 3 John 2). 1. John 10: 10-11 reminds us, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.Bring our hearts to focus on Your Truth at the start of each day, expecting a battle, but also deliverance. O God of heaven, let every Prince of Persia delaying my breakthrough die by fire in Jesus name Heavenly Father, thank you that you are my protector and provider. Thanksgiving is necessary. So, Lord, I commit my relationship into your hands and I ask that you bring restoration and healing to it. The scriptures say that you will contend those that contend against me. This world is hard. Understanding Deliverance in Jesus Ministry, four secrets to powerful prayers that get answered, 5 Prayers for Deliverance from Narcissism, practical steps to defeat fleshly thoughts, 12 Prayers for Month of August + Scriptures. Prayer for Deliverance and Healing Father in the Heavens, I'm here before You today seeking both deliverance and your divine healing. We respect your privacy. 1 Peter 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast. For You assure us when we seek You, we will find You, when we seek You with all of our hearts. As I go into my prayer time with You right now, I pray that You will settle all these things inside me. Please note, before using these breakthrough prayer points below, ensure you first give thanks to God. I shall prosper exceedingly like the sands of the earth. This is what the Lord says; I will restore the fortress of Jacobs tents and have compassion on his dwellings; the city will be rebuilt on her ruins, and the palace will stand in its proper place. Lastly, you will need patience to have it made, it is through faith and patience that all of Gods promises are obtained. Prayer for Breakthrough Father, I ask You for a fresh vision for what breakthrough will look like in my life. I lay claim to my healing through the stripes you received on my behalf. Let them pray. James 5:13. Remind me of your power, your mercy, and your love. Everything you touch is powerfully transformed. These prayer points are scriptural and when prayed in faith, will release the hand of God to move in your favor in a way thats beyond every human explanation. Deliver me from the worldly mindset that has taken over my life and moved me far away from you. They have helped me to pray like never before. Father, I ask for a heart of obedience and service in all that I do, in Jesus name (See Job 36:11), 16. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Hear my prayer today as I ask you to transform my circumstances through your favor and blessing. Posted on November 15, 2013 Updated on November 14, 2013. MFM: How Olukoya Started . She received a B.A. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. In your powerful name, Amen. Help me to trade my what ifs forGod wills. You are bigger than anything my mind can make up. We cant click it or pick it out of a line up, and it doesnt always look the same for me as it does for you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. If there is anyone that is divided in Your house, I pray for discernment and wisdom to know how to love and speak truth. Praise and worship! Video content taken from "A Prayer for Spiritual Warfare" by Rebecca Barlow Jordan. Help me bear this cross of mine, for only You can guarantee my peace of mind. When others mislabel us, give us the grace to pray for and empathize with them, but maintain the truth of what You say about us, and who You say we are. Prayer for Personal Breakthrough: Dear Lord, you know the areas in my life where I need breakthrough. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 4. 5. Without proper theology, individuals unknowingly open doors for further torment. Psalm 34:10 The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. : 1 Peter 1:23 All my sins are forgiven and washed by the Blood of Jesus. Give us strength to love people that are seemingly unlovable without compromising our character as Christians. Help us to shield our hearts from shame and separate our mistakes and missteps from our magnificent purpose in life. You have said that if I delight myself in you, you will give me the desires of my heart. Jesus is our Deliverer (1 John 4:4). Now may you, the Lord of all, give me success at all times and in every way. Oh God, I stand before you in a place of repentance and humility. Our salvation is found in His sacrifice (John 10: 9-11). So Lord, contend indeed with every enemy of my goodness. Dear God, thank you for the gift of life and the successful crossing over into the New Year. To see breakthrough in any area life, you need to commit to bible base prayers. O God my Father, thank you for the great and mighty things that you are doing in my life. Who on the earth can I find like you O God? 1. Give me favor and breakthrough in my life. Your word says that I may ask you for anything in Jesuss name, and you will do it. Give me your Spirit to help me see when I am listening to lies instead of truth. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. 75 Spiritual Warfare Prayer Points + Bible Verses! I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. O God my Father, thank you for the privilege to know you and the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I receive the grace to prosper spiritually, physically, financially, and in every aspect of life. Help me to have patience amidst the highs and lows and the discernment to hear your voice. Heal our distorted thoughts and broken-down boundaries. Oh Lord, by your power raise destiny helpers to help me in every area of my life in Jesus name life. O Lord my God, thank you that you are infinitely, consistently and perfectly wise. Yes, indeed I am more than a conqueror through the son of God who loves me and will always keep me safe and give me breakthroughs even in the toughest times. To you be glory and power forever and ever. Prayer Points For April 2022 O Lord, let my prayers attract heavenly assistance today in Jesus name. Psalm 143:7 Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails. Fire of God, fight for me in every area of my life, in Jesus' name. Graciously loving Father, I turn to you with confidence and seek your powerful intercession. And we should most ardently pray and take action to deliver others from oppressive circumstances. 7 Day Prayer Challenge For Spiritual Growth ! (1 John 4:4), Galatians 5:1calls us to action, to stand firm in our faith. The Bible says that you, who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for me, will freely give me all things. Filed in Articles, Life Guide by TMLTStaff on December 6, 2021. The power that you used to conquer death now lives in me. Praying with the word of God empowers you over your life circumstances by his Holy spirit, in Jesus name. Let your word be known and evident in all they do. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. Mighty God, thank you that you are all-powerful, you can do anything you desire. Deliverance Prayer From The Spirit of Jezebel & Manipulation Heavenly Father, thank You for the authority to battle against the controlling powers of witchcraft, that attack me. Here are 23 strong prayers for deliverance. As the Lord liveth, by the fire and the power of the Holy Ghost, I shall arise and shine in the name of Jesus! You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7. Let me lack nothing as I look to you for every need and desire in my life. Father, in overwhelming moments help us to recall the truth of Psalm 32:7, You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Remind us of the greats of faith that have gone before us in bravery, with courageous faith in Your protective hand of deliverance. Below are 17 Prayers for Deliverance and Breakthrough. May the relationships and communities being built in our church be united and strong in the name of Jesus. 13.All evil seed planted by fear into my life be uprooted. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. The truth is: Jesus set you free if you believe in him. Related Article: 62 Prayer Points For ThanksGiving + Scriptures! My fears are false. (Hebrews 13:8)Thank you that you are stable, even when I feel so very unstable. Not just prayer, but prayer informed by the word of God. Your word says that the blessing of the Lord brings favor and breakthrough. Cleanse me and teach me to live right. Hear my prayer for favor and breakthrough. At your name, demons flee. Please sustain me, protect me, and enable me to stand. I ask that you imbue me with the grace to experience your divine breakthrough in my life. Help me to believe, Lord. Wow! Use your miracle-working power to bring a breakthrough in my life. All that is required of you is a co-operation with God in the place of effective and intelligent prayer. 11)Pray that children's lives will be established upon a firm foundation biblical teaching. Give me assurance that there is no power greater than your name. Oh God of all grace, I ask for grace to be diligent and prudent with all my dealings, in Jesus name. Believe it or not, you need God to help you make your way in life, family, business and even in ministry. Powerful Prayer of Deliverance Psalm 32:7 - You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. You have said that you will fight for me while I remain still, rooted in you. Therefore, Father, I ask for total restoration in every aspect of my life that the devil has toyed with. Dear God, thank you for your mighty power upon my life. 2. 5. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 5. supernatural breakthrough over my finance, 15 Powerful Prayers for Marriage Anniversary, 15 Helpful Prayers for Marriage Reconciliation, 50th Wedding Anniversary Prayers: 17 Inspiring. By the power of God,I release myself, from every marital and ancestral curse in Jesus name 4. Psalm 115:14-15: May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. Transform and make it stand tall in you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. 2. You are just. Lord Jesus, today, I ask for a strong financial breakthrough. May the Lord Jesus Christ, who loved me and gave me eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort my heart and establish me in every good work. 3 John 1:2 tells me of how you want me to prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers. Thank you for your grace and mercy upon my life, family, friends, and loved ones. I command the wealth of the gentiles to come to me the seed of Abraham. Here are some prayer points for your spiritual growth. Give me the courage to speak as I go for various interviews. Heavenly Father, thank you that you hear and answer my prayers. You O Lord are good and I will believe in you all the days of my life. As you pray these prayers for deliverance and breakthrough, do it without any atom of doubt. WHO ARE THE POWERS PREVENTING THE FAMILY DELIVERANCE? (See Isaiah 54:17), 21. I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.. Open the heaven over me and pour out your blessings upon me until theres an abundance of it. And may be now you dont even know what else to do. If I am experiencing depression as a result of a spiritual battle, please bring that to light and show me the best way to fight that battle. I pray that you protect them and bring peace to their souls. God wants us to seek his face with faith and total trust in Him. Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. He said to her, Daughter, your faith has healed you. Prayer Points For Breakthrough And Success Jos. Acts 12 vs. 6-7, 21- 23 - 6 And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison. Father Lord, thank you for your power that delivers and restores completely. You can feel remorse for sin, but you shouldnt believe God loves you less because of it. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Help me to replace those fears with your biblical truths. 3. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. Amen, For I trust God as I face severe opposition nd depression also migraine attacks prayer pls, You fowl devil of depression and migraine, leave Carmelita alone now, come out of her mind and enter her no more, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.Amen!Be free, be healed right now, in Jesus name.Youre free, in Jesus name.Amen, I am so blessed with these prayer points. How do you get a miracle through prayer? The enemy is attacking my family members . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please assuage my unbelief. Lord, I know Your Word says you removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12 NLT) Help me to remember this truth when guilt keeps me bound to the problems from my past. Hear my prayer and pour your favor and blessing upon my life. 4. Fill me with faith for a breakthrough in my circumstances. How many rise up against me! Lord, hear your son, Frank and deliver him from indebtedness, in Jesus name.Give him wisdom to make, manage and multiply money, in Jesus name. Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough With Bible Verses, 21 Powerful Prayer Points For Protection (With Bible Verses), Prayer Against Bad Dreams (With Bible Verses), Help And Prayer For Someone In Emotional Pain, 23 Effective And Prevailing Prayers For Missionaries, 31 Strong Warfare Prayer Points For Open Doors, A Prayer For Those In Pain (Emotional, Bodily), 23 Scriptural Prayer Points To Activate Angels, 31 Faith And Power Prayers For Those Hurting, 31 Powerful Prophetic Prayers For New Week, 31 Powerful Prayer Points On Divine Speed, 31 Strong Prayers For Manifestation Of Gods Promises, 23 Beautiful Love Bible Verses for Valentines Day, 23 Amazing Happy Valentines Day Bible Verses, 31 Special Valentine Day Prayers And Wishes, 31 Special Back To School Prayer Points (For Teachers And Students), Why Are The Psalms So Powerful? Im in dire need of your healing touch in my life. Also, bless the works of his hands and make his way prosperous. I ask that you show me mercy and give me the grace to follow you. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Amen. Bless the work of my hands and cause me to prosper. Psalm 17:16 I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. So then faith, Gods love, forgiveness, and purification are, Nothing can separate you from the love of God. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Help me to say no to the things that distract me spiritually, mentally, and physically. (Isaiah 33:6) It feels like Satan has been whipping me around! Lead us in the way of Your righteousness. Father, give me strength and make my hand strong to do things that make for acclaim and praise, in the name of Jesus Christ. I thank You for the Blood of Yeshua that is speaking for me according to ( Hebrews 12:24). Lord Almighty, by Your power, keep my family away from the set back of sicknesses! I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Wherever I have been nailed down by wicked powers, oh God arise and draw me out in the name of Jesus! It reads like this, something delivered; especially: an opinion or decision (such as the verdict of a jury) expressed publicly. What if the opinion we hold of ourselves is sometimes the very thing we need to be delivered from? As you know it is hard for me to watch them go through this situation. Hear my prayer, Lord. You cleansed me. Individuals need deliverance when they struggle with sin and any patterns that continuously causes problems within their lives. 10 Powerful Prayers for Deliverance When You Need Jesus to Rescue You Meg Bucher Writer and Author 2021 4 Mar "You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with. Lord Jesus Christ, your power is beyond compare. Hear my prayer. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Any power assigned to dump my glory in the dustbin of life, be wasted in the name of Jesus! Faithful Father, thank you that your word revives my soul, gives wisdom to my mind and produces joy in my heart. As I seek employment, I ask that you direct my steps. May I see your victory in my life. 19. 3). You are the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God. The enemy is not attacking my finances. Please share if you find the post helpful! May I see your beauty, feel your love, know your wisdom and experience your power. 7 And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the . I ask for the manifestation of your blessings and favor in my life. I ask that you empower me to achieve what was difficult for me the previous year. Help me fix my eyes on you and all you are and have done for me and for this world. How many rise up against me! other fleshly activity within others and myself. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD., Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;, The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow., He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich., if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'faithvictorious_com-portrait-2','ezslot_26',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-faithvictorious_com-portrait-2-0');For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.. Help me to understand I am a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). Deliver me, God. Therefore, the prayers are also a bold declaration of Gods goodness. The dictionary definition of deliverance is the act of delivering someone or something: the state of being delivered; especially: liberation, rescue. We often think of countries that need to be vindicated, people suffering from famine who need food, or others that need to be rescued form afflictions or abuses. Remind me that there is no power greater than you, Nothing standing against me can prosper. May your reign be complete in my life and in the life of the world. 1. O God my Father, surprise me with financial breakthrough as a result of this prayer program, in the name of Jesus. 8. Breakthrough prayer for the New Year. Custom You must truly believe that Christ has died to set you free. Remind me, God. Wicked personality (There must be a judas in that family) 6. - Gina Smith. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me, declares the Lord. Lord, I pray that you forgive me of all sins of disobedience and rebellion, I pray that you restore my ministry in your mercy. Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10Help us to put on Your armor, daily, Father. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.Help us turn from shame, make a way for kindness, and rise up for those who cant speak for themselves and find a way to make sure those who are burdened by distorted thoughts of who they are. Let the majesty of the Father be the light that guides me, the compassion of the Son be the love that inspires me and the presence of the Spirit be the strength that empowers me. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You will see more breakthrough in your life and the lives around when you believe it: Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.Luke 10:19. Amen.God see your heart and will grant your desire to pray, Stanley! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. My breakthrough is coming and I will see a miracle. Help me to do things according to your will. Remind me of the truth of your power, that you surround me and you are fighting for me. In Jesus name, Amen. Father, I pray that you bring me into profitable relationships and connect me with people that will fast track my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus Christ (See 1 Samuel 18:1, 3, Daniel 1:9, Genesis 39:2, 4). Please help me to trust in your power to bring breakthroughs in situations where I can not find a solution. Lord, I turn away from this life that does not please you. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Let all men who pose as God in my life be dethroned in the name of Jesus. 4. 14. Oh Lord endow me with the required mental skill to interpret every opportunity that comes my way correctly and take maximum advantage of them in Jesus name. Dear Lord, open doors of opportunities for gainful employment for me. Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it. To you be glory throughout all generations, forever and ever. You are good O Lord. Then its important to take other practical steps to defeat fleshly thoughts that seek to harm you internally. Perform a miracle in me and restore me to perfect health. Some examples of deliverance and breakthroughs are spiritual, financial, employment, career, and marital to name a few. You have said that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Grant me a favor in the sight of the management, so I can have the promotion that Im way too overdue for. Father Lord, let my feet be anointed and washed by your blood to lead me to peaceful places, in the name of Jesus. Lord, Help me break free from the bondage of insecurity. Bring me Lord to places of opportunities where I will be acquainted with facts that make for success, in Jesus name (See John 8:32), 17. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Prayer M. Madueke 21/40 Nights of Decrees and Your Enemies Will Surrender: Self Deliverance Prayer Points and Powerful Decrees & Declaration for All Round Breakthrough. Eternal God, your power is unlimited and your strength has no end. 15 Powerful Prophetic Breakthrough Prayer Points Heavenly Father, I ask for your mercy today, please forgive my sins and wash me with the blood of Jesus Christ. Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. You dont hold my past against me and you are leading me to a greater measure. 62 Prayer Points For ThanksGiving + Scriptures! Help me to conquer the temptations of the evil one. And for your prayer to be effective, you will need to learn to also pray in the Spirit. Required fields are marked *. You told me you would never leave me nor forsake me. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Jesus Christ wanted to reveal some truth to you: Warfare Prayers for Deliverancefrom Spiritual Attacks. the promises in the Bible are my portion. May you sanctify me completely, and may my whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mentally, we are bombarded and pulled at by unfiltered thoughts threatening to run away with our self-esteem on a daily basis. Curse related powers 8. In the Bible, we see the story of a couple people that needed to be set free for different reasons: Read More: Understanding Deliverance in Jesus Ministry. Mark 5:34 He said to her, Daughter, your faith has healed you. To you be glory throughout all generations, forever and ever. Help me to see if there is something physical that is causing my depression. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You have promised that when I call on you in prayer, you will listen to me. You conquered death in your resurrection. Having difficulty sleeping at night, mind racing with fear? Faithful Father, thank you that you are the resurrection and the life, death holds no power over you. Please help me to abide in you and experience your favor, you are able to do far more abundantly than all that I ask or imagine, according to the power at work within me. - Cindi McMenamin, LORD, how many are my foes! I believe that the Holy Spirit will guide me on the narrow path of righteousness. Your word says that, if I abide in you, I will produce much fruit. (See 2 Chronicles 1:10). 23:2 - The spirit of the Lord had voice through me, his word was on my tongue that my promotion start this month in Jesus name. Father Lord, release the spirit of carpenter upon me to destroy the horns of enemies, in the name of Jesus. Would you help me to feel the rest of the Lord. We cry out to You in faith that You will deliver us from our physical pain and mental anguish.